
Monday, May 4, 2015

National Security Advisor Suspects Canadian Politicians Are Under Foreign Control

National Security Advisor Suspects Canadian Politicians Are Under Foreign Control

May 1, 2015 
Canada's National Security Advisor, Richard Fadden, has confirmed that various Canadian government officials are suspected of working under foreign influence. A senior advisor to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Fadden says that he suspects foreign governments are buying influence with Canada's officials for nefarious purposes, and that the people have no idea they are being used. Fadden also affirms that we are spending too much time and attention on terrorism, rather than focusing on other pressing matters that require attention as well. "I would be less than candid if I didn't say terrorism is taking up far more of our time than it ever has, and I think in the absence of fairly obvious cases, it would be difficult to comment on whether it's materially worse or better, or the same," he said.

Several years ago, Fadden had also said that political figures were developing questionable attachments to foreign countries. "There are several municipal politicians in British Columbia and in at least two provinces there are ministers of the Crown who we think are under at least the general influence of a foreign government," he said in the interview. He went on to say that "one, possibly a couple" foreign governments were grooming students to become political leaders in Canada and, "before you know it, the country is providing them withmoney, there's some sort of covert guidance." During one particular interview he even slightly insinuated that China was one main culprit.

"The individual becomes in a position to make decisions that affect the country or the province or a municipality. All of a sudden, decisions aren't taken on the basis of the public good but on the basis of another country's preoccupations,” said Fadden. He also previously stated back in 2010, that at least five countries were attempting to recruit future political prospects in universities. It was mentioned that Middle East countries were suspected to be involved, however China remains the most aggressive at funding university clubs, organize demonstrations, and more.

Fadden has said that he suspects the same scenarios have occurred in other nations and that they are occurring right now in Canada as well. Some have proposed that Fadden's accusations don't hold any merit, because he has failed to give specific names or accuse any particular government. Justin Trudeau has spoken out about Fadden's accusations and declared them to be simple “fear-mongering” because he hasn't backed them up with anything substantiating. Fadden says that he has kept quiet because of “national security” reasons. It's clear that he suspects some Canadian officials to be “double agents.”
Canada has 308 federal Members of Parliament (MPs) and at least 41 of them were born outside the country, a handful of them even hold dual citizenship. Along with the suspicion from Fadden that it might be Chinese officials, there have also been previous accusations made that China launched a cyber-attack against Canada last year, and that they've even tried to allegedly spy on Chinese dissidents who are living in the country.

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