
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Does Henry Yu have Triad affiliations and has he taken the Triad Oath: Faan Qing Fuk Ming...?!

Henry Yu – A UBC History Professor? [racist?]

Henry Yu is Dangerous for Canada




This history professor thinks Chinese only neighbourhoods in Canada are wonderful and progressive but a neighbourhood or boardroom without Chinese in Canada is a disgraceful legacy of evil, wrong, racist and a colonial legacy. Notice how he never has anything good to say about Caucasian, European or British Canadians. This obviously is because he discriminates about them. Does Canada really need to allow untold millions who don't like Canadians and work towards colonizing with their countrymen to enjoy the benefits of our far more just society? When one reads Lords Of The Rim  by Sterling Seagrave   it would assist in explaining obsession, wanting Chinese in every Canadian companies boardrooms. Of course this allows covert PLA Agents in who's aims would be contrary to the interests of those companies.  Conversely, Henry Yu doesn't feel the need for non-Chinese in their companies boardrooms.

Henry Yu – A UBC History Professor?

Henry Yu“It struck me last weekend when I was shopping in Kitsilano what an aberration that neighborhood is – one of the few areas in Vancouver that has not been transformed in the last three decades by new migration from Asia – Kits for instance does not have a significant ethnic Chinese Canadian presence in a city where almost every other neighborhood has percentages of ethnic Chinese that range from 20 to 55%. What is wrong with Kits? The same thing that is wrong with so many newsrooms and boardrooms in Vancouver, where a quick glance around at who shapes opinion and leadership decisions reveals a blinding uniformity of faces as white as driven snow.”
UBC Professor Henry Yu has been a strong advocate for mass immigration and multiculturalism and has gone on to say that the use of English as an official language smacks of racist white supremacy. Canada’s official languages should reflect changing immigration patterns of those arriving with limited proficiency in English or French. There are now over 600,000 people in Canada that can barely speak a few words in either of the official languages. This results in failed integration and self-propagating tribalism in mass quantities that is set to destabilize the country into numerous factions.
Yu resents a Canada in which Chinese is not one of the official languages. And that by maintaining English as the official language, a great injustice against multiculturalism and diversity is taking place.
It would also appear that Yu believes that Canada’s history is that of injustice and that the only way to rectify things is to legitimize racism and cultural dismissal of the country’s majority. That any visual ‘remnants’ of Canada’s majority in any neighborhood or workplace should be interpreted as backward or racist by definition. It would seem based on his viewpoints that anyone with white pigmentation is an embarrassing legacy of a country built on wrong or evil.
Despite the seemingly racist view towards Canada and the majority of its people, Yu has received millions of dollars in federal grant money to pursue his agenda. It would seem rather strange that someone that is openly racist and has inflammatory comments towards a group of people born with certain pigmentation is allowed to maintain his prominent teaching spot at one of Canada’s premier tertiary research institutions and receive taxpayer dollars to promote his viewpoint further.
With a weak national identity and with no framework around multiculturalism or public dialogue on mass immigration, it would appear that Canada’s current official languages could face ongoing and intense challenges in the days ahead. Any suggestive effort of asking newcomers or contemporary orthodox cultural / ethnic leaders and their followers to be Canadian could be scoffed at by those that feel that Canada’s identity is completely open for interpretation. That linguistic and cultural Darwinism by a mismanaged mass immigration program should dictate Canada’s identity will be seen as the ‘natural order’ of Canadian nation state evolution. Undoubtedly, countries with major diaspora in Canada that have geopolitical interests will fund and or support agendas that counter Canadian unity.
Is Yu a contemporary academic leader that is simply reflecting a new version of Canadian identity? Is it time for Canadians to accept their changing multicultural identity in the days of mass immigration and advanced capitalism? Or is Yu using multiculturalism and mass immigration to pursue a divisive social policy that champions Chinese hegemony in Canada?
Who is Henry Yu truly representing? Does he have Triad affiliations..we wonder, and has he taken the Triad Oath: Faan Qing Fuk Ming...?!

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