
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Public Opinion: Why they dislike China/Chinese so intensely

[it rated 4th amongst all the countries in the world!]

China/A Hated Country

Most Hated Countries « see full list

Many have contributed /partial list, [2015]

BY FAR THE WORST COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! They are the most dirty, thieving, lying, cheating, greedy, animal abusing, stupid, racist pigs I have ever met. They steal western ideas and pass them off as their own. They pee, spit, and smoke WHEREVER THEY WANT (once in an elevator a man peed while I stood inside, the smell was vile. A women allowed her son to take a crap at the top of a supermarket escalator what and many more disgusting things I can't explain as don't have the space). 

They only care about money and never help people in a crisis (and by people I mean a 2 year old girl who was hit by a car in the middle of the street while people walked on by like it didn't happen). 

Charity doesn't exist, esp not for animals. Abuse ...See More
-3I can't tell you the repulsion I feel when I meet a Chinese person in my country. Their whole view of life is opposed to mine. They boil animals alive for food because they taste better cooked alive than dead. They eat the animals that we westerners keep as pets. They poison their own air by having no consideration for the environment. In short, they think only of themselves and too hell with anybody else. It was a huge mistake to ever let them into Canada in the first place and why we would consider trade with such a rank, disgusting, arrogant filthy group of people is a mystery to me. It's a shame that what they do in their own country has such a trickle-down effect on all the rest of us. I just wish they'd all go back where they came from and perhaps their poison could at least be contained to their own people, instead of infecting the ...See More
+306China, stops invading Vietnam now. Paracel and Spratly Islands are in Vietnam. China is a gangster, a brigand forever and forever.
+261They are horrible liars and have no conscience. No religious mind but greed. Greed, just greed. I do not foresee if the inevitable fall of
Communist from power will improve the situation but I am rather
Pessimistic in view of the profound damage communist's rule has given
To the peoples moral.
+226The most unpleasant attitude, arrogant people. They have this strange thinking that everything on earth is from China. Even Mongolian's history is theirs? Nonsense country.

They are distorting their history all the time throughout the history. Recently they even elongated the official length of Great wall like a rubber band. This country is by far the worst nation in Asia along with Japanese.

They do not want to learn other culture. But they feel so proud when other people say good thing about their culture. What a culturally egocentric beings. Probably it's because of their poor ethics.

Money is everything in china. They make fake food for money. Even baby formula was tainted by some cheap chemicals.

They copy virtually ...See More
+5Let Tibet be free. Tibetans would rather be ruled by Dalai Lama than the communist government which tries to destroy Tibet's culture.
Egocentric is technically ethnocentric, remember high school man.
+210To the people of China, please mind your manners. 
1. Do not open your mouth when you are eating. It is just disgusting. 
2. Stop claiming your rights when you do not acknowledge other's. 
3. China is not the center of the universe nor the most important. 
4. Your so-called protesting is nothing more than violent havoc. 
5. Educate yourselves more. 
6. Make no mistake that the economy growth that China has seen is not due to its people, but it is because of the cheat labor. 
7. Please learn the meaning of human rights. 
8. Do not claim other people's lands as yours just because you want it. That is the logic of of an infant. Grow up. 
9. Your people nor the government do not seem to understand copy rights, intellectual ...See More
+200Yes they are territorial thief! It should be on top 3.. They keep on harassing other countries with less power like the Philippines. Just because they are many doesn't mean they are the most powerful.. And even though, their products suck!
+177Chinese people always speak so loudly. It makes people upset even embarrassed. They also cut a line and don't know order. Noisy, selfish, dirty, dishonest, merciless, thoughtless etc. These represent the symbol and propensity of Chinese people.
Poisonous fake products, brainwashed people, corrupt government official, nationalistic land thieves, and evil bastards. They think they're the middle Kingdom, the center of the universe, where everyone else are "barbarians. " They're extremely evil, ignorant, arrogant, and think that they're so special and highly innovated, even with copied technology from Russia. China is not a likeable country, period.
+121Their animal policy is gruesome, the way they exploit their own people to gain money and thus power in the world, the culture who prefers to "not lose face" even if this makes matters a lot worse, the selfishness, self-conceitedness, relentlessness and inability to work in a team, that I noticed in a Chinese co-worker, their toxic products and relentless modification of medicine they sell, that too many products are made in china, that they are extinguishing elephants for useless ivory, how they invade neighboring countries. I also hate the industry in Europe and us who is selling our souls to china to make more money.
+115They are so arrogant and think they rule other everyone. They expect respect for themselves but never actually intend on giving respect to others. They are very very VERY rude. And they don't show manners in public like actually taking a shower
+106I hate China because it is very traitor thief and humble either and their trying to claim the territory in Philippines including spratly island and scarborough shoal and china has only one child policy meaning only one child if their is another child the government will punish the child and their trying to kill china one of the most populated countries and corrupting government
+92First of all, many of the people from China are so brazen. They always cheat at many international competitions, including the TOEFL and GRE test.
In addition, they lack of manners. They always been rude in public, such as the Film Festival and other international meeting.
Moreover, they think that they are developed country. Actually they are not.
Finally, they think that Taiwan is part of their territory, even though most of the advanced country acknowledge that Taiwan is an independent country. Shame on them!
-2Okay, first of all, China is a developed country, if you are American I can tell you that they are developed and have been that way longer than America's reach to independence. I am not making a bet, but I would like to see you say all of this to an actual Chinese person.
-2I don't agree with you, whether they are insidious or not. they are Chinese people, just not the same party
+94They have a corrupt government who believes they are superior to they rest of the world. They are arrogant and are billed as the next superpower because of their evil government who steals from its people. They are a threat. Also they give no thought to the environment or international law and refuse to free Tibet.
+95One of the most hated country. This list is no true at most. At least US has their own true allies. China has none, unless you count North Korea, Pakistan and Iran. Russia? Laugh out loud, you might not know about the disputing areas. The other countries will soon know their true color.
+79Chinese people don't care about the world, they don't care about China, they don't care about other Chinese and they think they can bully Tibet, India, Vietnam, Taiwan and many other countries but most importantly they don't care about the environment and animals we share our planet with.Yunnan is the most beautiful place on Earth and they are turning it into a capitalist wasteland by massive deforestation and Dam projects.30, 000 big small rivers in China have disappeared, many animals gone, now they want animals from other countries for their fake medicine and tasteless Shark fin soups...dirty jungle people who just had taste of money and if there are some good indigenous tribes in China they soon will lose their culture.If humans are a plague on Earth then Chinese are the epicenter of that plague.
+71I'm Chinese (but not China-born Chinese) and I hate to say that Chinese people are a bunch of shameless and inconsiderate people. Besides having no basic etiquette in public (they talk loudly, spit, smoke, piss everywhere), all they think about is money. They don't care about reasoning, they only make sure that they are not at a loss. All they have to do is to be louder, louder voice equals more reasonable. I hate the people here. Sure they do have some nice places to visit, it's a convenient place to live in (I'm in Shanghai), but I can't go to work without cursing for a day. People here has never stopped being annoying. At first I was trying not to generalize everyone, but after 9 months here I want to conclude that the people here are ...See More
+3I'm Chinese American, I agree with you. These mainland Chinese people make me sick
+81I hate China because there are so pride humble and traitor their trying to get our territory call scarborough shoal from Philippines that's why I hate china and china has largest population and powerful military
+66The Chinese Communist Party suggested that they would pay one million yuan to the family of a man who had burnt himself to death in Tibet if they sign the document stating that "his suicide was not for the protest against us but because of a conflict between husband and wife".

The man appealed for freedom of Tibet or the return of the supreme leader Dalai Lama 14th of the Tibetan Buddhism on 6th and committed suicide.

His family declined a proposal of the Chinese Communist Party.
+3China always try to manipulate the public with these lies but the ignorant people listen to these lies, I would not expect more from a communist country
+68Thief! Liar! Disgrace! I despise China they don't have good moral, they poison people with their products! They brainwash the young, bully, aggressive-coward, just I hate China!
+60They are arrogant, condescending, and disrespectful to neighborhoods. Their sinocentrism always have upset the rest of the world. They are so proud of ethnocentrism of the Han people and Han culture, but look. How many times Han people and Han culture was conquered and governed by so-called barbarians, which they refer their surrounding countries? Shame on them.
+45The government always ask for land so they can expand their country why the government always try to get land from other countries. They think other countries are annoying because Russia is the biggest country in the world. They can't handle not being the richest country, they always steal land from other nations, don't respect countries like Canada, England, Brazil and Ireland. Every country hates China because of their landmarks. They can't always win wars, they cheat all the time so they can steal from rich countries like USA, Germany, Poland and UAE. How come China always wants too kill people in other countries so they can move into other countries. They always change other buildings lights like the empire state building which is in New York will be invaded by china so watch out for them.
+59Their people have been brainwashed by the government 
The government sucks, Chinese don't thank before they action, none of any creativity. 
Chinese are selfish and rude. They sold fake and toxic foods to people, just because fake and toxic are much cheaper, they think money is more important than human life. 
The ugliest people in the earth.
I am half Chinese and Italian, I agree with the most comments you people posted. I asked my Chinese friends that live in China about it; these are not my thought, it's their response about what you people said. And here are the result.

Most Chinese people don't hate Taiwan, South Korea, US, Japan, Vietnam and India, most of them just want to make friends with people that are from another country. Some of them still hate these countries, they can't help it.

Chinese people nowdays don't think that they're in the centre of the world or the Universe, the reason why they call their country "the middle kingdom" is because thousands of years ago, they don't know anything around the world; so they think that they're in the centre of the world, so they named their country "middle kingdom", the country's name can't be change after they know that ...See More
+45China was the victim of Imperialism in early 20 century. But now, what China do these days are almost same of those. Both the Japanese Empire and now day China kill the colony's people and encroach their sovereignty. So, I'm very disappointing about China.
+30Eventually I am not here to do anything. Offend you or do something to this site. I am from China and WE WOULD NEVER become thieves for territories. We were never arrogant and we never thought the China is in the middle of the earth. The point of "The Center of the Universe" is far by mean of the constellation dragon. As supposed in our class

Back to topic.
Never blame us for the mad things in here. Why?
The government controls the land not us. They ban everything and we are indeed in need for territories since of the 'One child policy" not being followed. It's their fault not ours. So stop offending us.
-2All Asian countries hate China Taiwan Japan Korea Vietnam Philippines
+51. The people are rude as hell. They will laugh and talk trash about you in front of your face. They walk like they are the only people on the road.

2. They are also disgusting. There is no concept of hygiene at all in this country. They spit and poop on the streets of their most advanced cities. What cracks me up is when they deride people from poorer countries as inferior because they have less money. Guess what, China? I have been to many impoverished places where the people don't think that cleaning themselves is a waste of water!

3. Add lazy, selfish, and dishonest to the list. Chinese only think about themselves, and there is nothing in this miserable country people care about more than money. God help you if you have to depend ...See More
+21Chinese people smell first of all and they are ill-mannered. They eat Chinese food in CLASS.. Like could you please eat that at home? I mean I'm not trying to be mean but seriously.. I can't stand the smell. Oh, and in study groups, they're always trying to hide THEIR answers but always ask OTHER people for help...

This Chinese girl borrowed money from me and claimed that she does not remember. I'm sure not all Chinese people are like this but seriously... I have lost my patience with Chinese people.
+3China. A large nation with a great population. And it's filled with a lot of ego. For some reason they think that they are the center of the universe. They have the same government voted every time. They don't allow children to have as many kids as they want, I mean what the hell, they are not your children, you don't have to go and take care of them, so can't you just mind your own business? China, a country that thinks all the land in the wide world is theirs and if any one argues, bomb them. They took a huge chipmunk of Kashmir from India after a bloody war and now claim an island to be theirs and now they are forcefully entering India claiming that Arunachal Pradesh is theirs. What the hell, who has given them such rights. Firstly China signs ...See More
-1Your are right. China is really bad. Keep it up bro, that's the way to do it. Guys vote China as the worst.
+18China is the most disgusting country in the world. The attempt to impose territorial rights on all their neighbors territories. They lie to their own people to keep the truth being known. They have the worst pollution of any country and no respect for the environment. They are the most greedy people I have ever seen. They place poisons into their own food chain. They have little respect for human life. They will be the reason for the next world war.
-9Ok first of all, I think this is the most stupidest poll ever on the history of the internet, making people feel bad or maybe hate themselves. Where does that lead to? Suicide? Oh right, and when the people that were offended commit suicide? THEN people care. The only reason I'm commenting on this country is because it is my background and I understand how I felt when I read this. And how stupid are people? This poll was for most hated COUNTRY. Not people. But oh, when you hear the name of the country you always just have to say hateful and damaging words about something this poll isn't even about? And have you ever heard that human are creatures of habit? Learning from our parents and ancestors? Well I've heard many words like DISGUSTING when I ...See More
-1You lost me when you compared yourself to Hitler to get sympathy.
+25Even I am a Chinese (so sad it's the truth, I wish I was not.. ) I don't even want to say I am a Chinese, why? Poor citizen quality, always think money will take care the rest, no justice, communism, anymore? I believe the world know even more than me
+13I am a Chinese people, I live in China
I don't think we are the center of the universe and we are not very powerful, we want to
Make friends with others countries or foreign people
If you come to China ,you will found we are very friendly
Maybe some rude people give you a bad impression of China, I want to say sorry (maybe you don't understand, but in China, richer people usually get lower accomplishment )

I am poor in English so I hope you can understand my disordered word
+1Not some, majority your country population ARE RUDE like HELL...
+9China; where they have a communist government, their people are ignored, children left to die on the streets. Their people are despicable, disgusting and overpopulating. The chinese from China, act like they are superior, smoking, talking loud and eating with their mouths open and they even do it in foreign countries. THEY ARE TOURISTS, THEY HAVE TO OBEY OUR LAWS, RESPECT OUR LANDS, OUR PEOPLE.

They think we fear them, see them as a superpower. WE only see them as overpopulating rats and cheap labor for crappy manufacturing of products.
+18China is a wolf in a sheep's clothes. Most hated neighbor in asia, they don't respect the international law and claiming the whole sea in southeast asia as theirs only where in fact the name south china sea was given by an ignorant feeling superior european man. They don't deserve any respect!
+8China would have to be the cruelest country I've ever seen. Have you people watched the videos of what they do to cats and dogs. Even some of them are already owned. what the do is they kill them, and eat them, or use their fur and bones as clothing, furniture and other unnecessary uses. They pollute the country a lot. My friend is Chinese and she is not part of China anymore. She doesn't care about Chinese people and their environment. Let China burn in the fires. Sorry if this message is a bit too harsh. I just let out my feelings. :(
+14Greedy Country... Killers of humanlife unoticeable by making contaminated foods, fake drugs making poisonous toys and selling to africa and the whole world... Destroyer of economy by copying all original products... , so think before you buy cheap are good but the dangers for the humanlife still there.
+12They always claimed that America isn't a great country and they think are the greatest country in the world and wanted to take over North America so they can be happy. They are evil and dumb and blame other countries for being rich. Who cares? China should be done because they always invade other countries stuff and cause debt to other countries.
+19Selling contaminated food to its own people and rest of the world. The Chinese entrepreneurs only care about money and social status and nothing else. Disgusted.
+16China ignores human rights. It's economy develop too fast but the people are still dumb. The worst, Chinese people tell a lot lies, Like claiming Taiwan is a part of China. Every eyes-opened man would not agree with that.
+4Horrible country has that zero regard for its natural environment, eco system and animal species. that's only the tip of the iceberg, they exploit their own people with inhumane labor practices, human rights violations, censored information and media add to this list ad infinitum... As a result the people of China are arrogant, ignorant, have no manners or class, they are like hillbillies who just discovered money. These people have no spirituality, no sense of community with anyone outside of Chinese culture, they are pushy, greedy, loud, dirty, they litter... Just horrendous. The worst country, culture and people on the planet by far.
+10"Love China people" is wrong. They're very arrogant, foppish and haughty
I can say it with certainly because my roommate from China. He's disgusting and very arrogant. He's said all the East people always like that. They hates Japan and make the bad and poisoned products to others countries and said :"China is almost rule the world with "China Time"". So disgusting...
+18They do not show any respect for human lives. A nation cannot achieve the world-leader status just by accumulating wealth and manufacturing products.
+3China is utterly disgusting, smelly, rude, arrogant, selfish, and everything else BAD! They treat people like their nothing compared to money. Their products are completely unacceptable such as how they buy rotten meat and make it look fresh so that they don't have to waste so much money on the meat. I mean, REALLY!? This are invasive and don't know what's theirs and what's not. They are currently trying to steal and take away parts of oceans that are supposed to be Vietnam's and the Philippine's territory. Selfish idiots!
+5China is one dirty, disgusting place. The people are extremely rude. The rudest I have ever met and I travel the world on business. Lines mean nothing to them. Just a few minutes ago I was waiting in line and a Chinese woman just walked right up to the front like no one else was there. They will try and take advantage of you at every chance. I was going to exchange currency earlier today and she wanted to charge me a 50% commission fee! I understand 1% but 50% is totally outrageous.
+8They are greedy and they think highly of themselves.. They do not respect others regardless of feelings, property, or rights.. Communism is oppression of man by man, of class by class, and nation by another nation.. I think the top 1 should be China and not Japan.. No one can ever trust a communist country with people who do not have proper etiquette and does not consider international law..
+8The Chinese government and Chinese people are becoming more and more arsed over time. People don't even bother to apologise when they hit you with a trolley and you're just standing there. They stare at you and wait for you to say something. Furthermore, the people can be so rude, selfish and arrogant. When something goes wrong, they bride and persuade other people into helping them even if they'll have to lie or bully others. Where's the respect for others? Those people make me ashamed of being Chinese.
+2I don't know. Apart from other Asian countries, I just really hate the fact that they make fake products and purposely try to trick people on ebay. I also get extremely annoyed when I hear the language, but that is more of a personal matter. Also, they are too cheap with such cheap products that break easily and they are hoarders. This is behavior I have observed by Chinese people in the US. However, I feel like maybe the newer generation is different. This behavior is mostly seen by older generations I think.
+14Arrogant, barbaric, selfish and not considerate for others. They pee and poo in public as if they were from stone age. With thousand years of civilization, they have not learn where to go to the washroom.
+11I wish china and philippines would be peace forever and china must forgive any country including taiwan and japan even vietnam for claiming a territory china must stop claiming any territory near at the west philippines sea
+7All islands in asia china wants to possess them even if they forced them already claimed many countries fight so many countries monitored their territory afraid because others might possess their territory as China's united nation was told that china stopped claiming another without them but they do not listen
+4Why do they want to grab our islands here in the Philippines? I can't find other reasons than they're greedy and selfish. China sends fake products here containing harmful chemicals, guess safety and quality control isn't in their minds. Most of them only care about money even to the expense of their workers health. I hate them. Not all of them are like these though but they are the rare ones.

I am Chinese American, I hate China because they have bad government. These mainland Chinese people make me sick, they always bullying me. Money is everything in China, they lie to other people to earn money. I went to China last month, I almost have lung cancer because of the pollution. They sold fake produce to me and I regret it later. Also my wallet disappeared from my pocket on the street
+12China hits pregnant women in jail and they and/or the baby dies. So dumb, I reckon. I also hate the Chinese government they don't respect anyone and just care about making money and just being top.
+7They are making the "Eastnorth process" project. This is making the asia history wack. They say even the old history of Korea (north and south) as their history, which means Korea is their territory, or colony. Japan was the first country did this. But, Japan is going down, so I choose China.
+8I hate china they wanna build a dragon mart in cancun mexico to destroy the tourism of the state and mexico economy they will destroy the maya ruins and the sea of cancun by polution I hope to gather forces to drestoy dragon mart before it kills mexico and the countries that are close
+4I don't really think Chinese people are intelligent. Even they are without their beloved government, I believe there will not be any changes in their intelligence. It's very disgusting they claim everything are originated from them, from paper to bombs! It seems that everything are theirs! So they are bullying the neighbours now! Japan, Vietnam and Phillipines are the victims!
+3China mainlanders think they are the cradle of civilization and technology. They thought without China there would be no electricity and computers. They claimed Japan, Korea and literally everyone copied from them. Ironically, Japan and Korea are more famous than China. The only possible reason to explain their arrogance is because China mainlanders are being jealous of their neighbors.
+7China doesn't respect people, animals or even themselves. They are rude, dirty, aggressive, blind sheep brain washed by the rich minority controlling them. I pity them at the same time hating them for all the horrible things they do to each other and other people. By far the worst country in the world.
+79 out of 10 Chinese people are compulsive liars. They also stink really bad and look weird. By far the most hated people in the world. China has the highest concentration of uncivilized people anywhere in the world, even their rich have poor manners. Yet they think they are better then everyone else.
+4China, one of the worst bunch of hypocrites in the world. They have one of the longest records of human rights violations, but are one of the quickest to point out faults from other countries from 50-60 years ago. When they free Tibet, maybe I would drop them on this list. Until then, they are nothing but a bunch of savages, bullying everyone around them, every chance they get.
+2I hated China for their pollution, but most of this "hate" comes from China people. Major of China people are TOO proud of their country, and think that they are the best of the world. They think that they symbolizes justice, even if they are not so perfect. When they travel to another country, they litter everywhere they go and speak loudly, which is quite rude. But still, most of them didn't really think they are wrong.
+10If we look at the history TIBET is present in between India and China and lots of water was going to both these countries from TIBET but now china made Tibet under their control and they are not giving water to India
+5First of all, they are really selfish and greedy. All they care about is money.
Second of all, they don't care about morals, ethics and humanity. Animal abuse is just out of hand plus they abuse even their own specie humans in as horrible ways too. Of course, not everybody is the same. There are good people in China too. But the majority is not.
They tend to be not aware of the rules of life. They do all the disgusting to the others but still asks respect for themselves. Jeez, I don't even know whether if they are that dumb or very evil.
Third of all, they are all brainwashed. I wouldn't blame the people but the government, but the consequences of those brainwashing is horrible. They say that US is just full of propaganda while denying the fact that they are the same.
So after all, generally they are just really big ego-ed ...See More
+1Where to start? Disgusting people in every sense of the word. Idiots beyond belief, even though they think they are very smart. You can see in their faces when they are trying to cheat you that they are thinking "awesome! She is falling for it because I am so smart! " Only other stupid Chinese people believes their lies... I can start to say the many things that make this country (meaning the people) the most hated. Definitely even more than Japan and Korea. While I don�'t agree with many things of those two countries, they are years light from being as bad as China.
+3Honestly Chinese people are amazing and funny too, but the governments actions are causing all the hate unto the country, and mostly it's people, when in reality they are not even close to being how they are pictured.. My country (India) and China have had their fair share of conflicts and such, yet I still can't bring myself to hate China.. Why? Well since the people are wonderful!
+1It is ignorant for the people to blame the government when they chose their government.
+8The government attempts to take control of citizens' brains by implementing 'National Education', even in Hong Kong. We are supposed to be a 'Special Administrative Region' for at least 50 years right? You simply can't trust the Communists.
+10China always claimed other's territory their govern-right also, they fabrication others country's history. Other nation people think china's clean system is really disgusting!, so I hate this nation
+9Though they are always perpetrators, they pretend to be victims.
They make mass media around the world to write articles on their side.
They also rewrite articles on Wikipedia.
They are good at maneuvering public opinion.
+5Hate it how they think that very rare products, like rhino horn, or bile from bears etc, is good for your health or libido or what so ever... It disgusts me that people can be that stupid and animals that are endangered have to suffer from it. Don't say there aren't any good chinese, far from, but to a part of them I say die in hell!
+1I thought that was in Africa and the poachers or buyer or whiter were white.
+10They hate almost every foreigners, and they also use their number of population to their advantage to spread their hatred toward certain countries such as Japan, The United States, and India.
+9China is a territorial thief! China bullies their neighbors, especially Mongolia! Plus, they steal other countries' history and claim it is theirs! Poor Mongolia! Help the countries who are in threat of China
+7Chinese people are okay, but I HATE their government.

I kinda feel sorry for the people of China that they have a government who brainwashes them into being so irrationally xenophobic-nationalistic. Nationalism is okay as long as you don't go xenophobic.
+3I cannot believe China is not number 1! It's ruining the world causing job losses everywhere, petty territorial disputes, wars, animal cruelty, other countries natural resources destruction, disrespect of properties rights or any sort of basic human rights for the matter. The world would be a better place without China.
+8China has run a hate campaign against Norway for years because of the peace price three years ago. They try to intimidate their way around the world, and no country or people respect them for it.
+7China is the weakest people on earth, the attitude really hate it! Now there scatering around the world spratly island belongs to philippines but they want to take it... What the hell are you doing chinese people
+5Well... I vote China because they think most islands near their lands belong to them, including Taiwan. Their government keeps saying that somewhere is a holy part of China since ancient times without caring what the people on those lands think.
+8They disregard the history and try to brain wash their citizens. Their government is so corrupt and never really try to be better and really enforce their policies.
+1I live in china for years I notice that all the bad things people's talk about china is truth the love money more than anything They don't care about other only care about them self the think that they the only human bing on the earth, I never see a good Chinese person seems 7years that am in china, they will close to u, just because of money or business they don't care care care at all. When you see a Chinese person close to you check very well you will see what he want,
+2THE BULLY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Grabbing lands and seas and claiming them as their territories. Poaching on other countries' waters and terrorizing the local fishermen. In every Asian country, the biggest drug lords are Chinese. They invented corruption! Smuggling substandard goods, sabotaging the economy.
+6Nothing, just want to vote. I don't know if I were an M, but I am really happy to see that we are hated by so many people. At least china is not as weak as we Chinese think. To be hated means have some power, isn't it?
+1They have no morals. They do not believe in human rights. If you go on peta's website they have videos of how the kill animals for their fur. They beat them and skin them... Alive. Does it not make sense to humanely kill an animal if you need it's meat or fur? Does it not make it harder to do that if the animal is still alive. Why make the animal suffer for no reason. How about killing babies? What kind of sick backwara people would do this. Chinese would. They make me sick.
+6China is a ghetto place with ghetto people that come to America and exploit America's most unfortunate urban ghettoes. All with a rude attitude. Also very greedy nation with an unauthentic personality.
+7Not to be racist, but about 70% of the chinese are bad and arrogant. They bully others when they are strong, and ask for support when they are weak. What a corrupted nation, forever corrupted.
+11China is being run by the most corrupt people in the world! They fakes everything from Rolex up to their own history. See what is happening right now in South China Sea, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Uyghur region.
+6I'm an American. I think China is so stupid that they think they are stronger than Japan. But they never have been and they will never. No country in the world think China is stronger than Japan.
I would say China instead of Japan or both Korea deserve the position for most hated country. This country never produce anything and completely rely on relations. This is hopeless! Just keep bullying weaker people by force! When there is a Chinese, I will simply stand away. Japan instead of China deserve the position of leader of East Asia.

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