
Friday, November 14, 2014




  • If the Chinese Army, marching from the East, were equipped with weapons of mass destruction, i.e., nuclear, chemical, and biological, they could easily kill tens of millions of people on their way to Israel. Remember, modern weaponry has tactical shells and missiles of all three of these weapons of mass destruction.
  • Let us examine the path from China this terrible army might take to get to Israel. We already know they will be coming from the East, but then in Revelation 16:12, we discover that they will be crossing the River Euphrates, which has been dried up.   Please take a close look at the map, above, at the beginning of this section. 
  • What countries will the Chinese Army have to go through or near to get from China to Israel by way of the Euphrates River in the Middle East? And, more importantly, what are their populations?
    The Chinese Army would have to progress through the following countries, or very near them. From Northern China is where this enormous army would have to stage to begin the march, as you can see from the map of China, above.  The superhighway is shown in red.  Then, as the road crosses over the Chinese border, it goes into the Chinese controlled area of Kashmir, through the Pakistan controlled area of Kashmir, and then through the Karahoram Highway!  Then, the road would go West through the following countries.
  • Tibet -- Some maps will have taken Tibet off the map, showing just China
  • Pakistan -- Notice on the map that China and India have a "disputed area" exactly in the way where this road would logically enter from China to Pakistan. This map even shows a "Cease Fire Line".   This disputed area is Kashmir!  Further, this Chinese highway goes right through Karahorum Pass! 
  • India -- this super highway would run immediately North of India, but right through the disputed area of Kashmir. The one characteristic shared by the Chinese and the Pakistanis is their hatred of the Indians. Both China and Pakistan have fought wars against India. Historic hatred and competition is fierce. When China marches her 200,000,000 man army along this highway, through the Karahoram Pass, the most incredibly powerful army the world has ever seen will be passing from China through the Chinese-controlled portion of Kashmir, through the Pakistan-controlled portion of Kashmir, and right through the Karahoram Pass!  When India sees such a powerful army passing just north of her border, she is likely to feel threatened enough to attempt to interdict it.  When this happens, China is likely to launch a devastating counterattack using all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction at her disposal.  All of India might be annihilated, comprising 25% of the world's population at that point in the Great Tribulation!
  • Afghanistan --- America continues to fight a war against the Taliban of Afghanistan.  Now, the entire country lies at our strategic disposal.  Whatever we want to do, the Afghan government is not going to be able to say "No"; therefore, it is logical that the interim government of Afghanistan would now allow free access to a super highway already built across their land, particularly if they heard the explanation that this road would enable the Chinese to "take out" the Israelis once and for all. Was our war in Afghanistan really fought only to provide free, unfettered access to this highway?
    From China all the way across Afghanistan, this super highway would run across some of the tallest mountains in the world. You can see that, if a nation is going to rapidly move 200,000,000 fighting men and their war materiel across such a long distance, they would need such a modern super highway. Otherwise, the mountains would prohibit such movement.
    Grant Jeffrey says very plainly, "The Chinese government has spent enormous sums and expended the lives of hundreds of thousands of construction workers building a military superhighway across Asia heading directly toward Israel. The highway has no economic purpose and no foreigners are allowed anywhere near this road. The highway has been completed through the south of China, Tibet, Pakistan, and Afghanistan." [Ibid., p. 199]
    Why is this highway only completed through Afghanistan? After all, this 200 million man army still has to travel through Iran, Iraq, and Jordan to get to Israel. Why would the highway be constructed only through Afghanistan? One possible answer is that they have not received the permission from Iran and Iraq to build such a super highway; however, I do not believe this is the case, because of the hatred of the Arabs against Israel. They would do anything to see Israel defeated and annihilated, including the building of a super highway. The second possible answer is that the terrain of Iran, Iraq, and Jordan is so flat that huge tanks, trucks, and tens of thousands of other tracked vehicles could easily travel across the land. In military terms, this land is called "Tank Country", because tanks can so easily move quickly across.
  • Iran -- Once the highway ends at Afghanistan, Iran will be easily traversed. Its land is so flat, it is called, "Tank Country".  Huge numbers of men, materiel, and heavy equipment can easily travel on it quickly!
  • Iraq -- Ditto Iran. Most interesting is that, at this moment, Coalition Forces control Iraq. Specifically, the Americans control Baghdad, which is located on the 33rd parallel and through which the Tigris and Euphrates pass. No one can be sure of the effect on this portion of prophecy the American control of Baghdad may have. However, I believe that the American control will be gone by the time the world has reached the end of the 7-year prophecy, which is when this particular event occurs.

However, once the army reaches Baghdad, it will have to cross the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. I find it interesting that these prophecies do not mention the Tigris River being crossed, when it is most obvious that the army must cross it if they are going to cross the Euphrates. There are only three reasons the Tigris River is not mentioned. 1) The Bible considers the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin as one system. 2) For the army to have crossed the Euphrates River from the East, they would have to cross the Tigris. 3) It is at the Euphrates River that God has chained the four powerful evil angels that are leading this tremendous army toward Israel. Whatever the reason, we know that Turkey has built their systems of dams so that they can shut the water completely off both the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Both mighty rivers will be dry!! On this note, do you know that the Government of Turkey now has, in place, a system of dams that could completely shut off the flow of water down the River Euphrates? That system of dams has just been recently constructed.

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