
Sunday, October 26, 2014

So long Jian Ghomeshi @ CBC, great interviews man, a great gig!!

Play video  CBC Q's Jian Ghomeshi sat down for an exclusive interview with the legendary singer-songwriter Neil Young as well as the producer of Young's new album 'Le Noise', Daniel Lanois.
Added on 27/09/2010

From Me, My TwoCents Worth:
Notice the aging; Neil's voice is still strong, his message stronger more resolute and immediate, a true Canadian. 
His views on the proposed pipelines for China and their ownership of the oil sands now is explosive, the CBC interviewer Jian, didnt touch that one. It  has come to pass that Jian has been fired from the CBC today and one wonders if these 2 interviews with Neil played into that decision. A phrase that I use frequently now is: What China Wants, China Gets.  I suspect very strongly that strings were pulled to make an example of him over the issues [political as they are...] regarding this part of Canada and its diabolical bond [oil/gas] with China. Look at the news today/CBC fires Jian, a crowd favourite in MotherCorp...there really are so few now that can interview with such insight as he could! A sad day! 

An 'Epilogue of Sors'

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