
Friday, September 26, 2014

Paul Desmarais and the Water War Crimes

Paul Desmarais and the Water War Crimes

At the present time the Editors have no direct evidence linking Canadian billionaire, Paul Desmarais, to the Water War Crimes.  However, due to his position as a member of Canada's secretive governing council, the Privy Council, and as the political puppet master who pulled the strings that controlled Canada's Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau,Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Prime Minister Paul Martin, all of whom were key Canadian politicians during the development and execution of the the Water War Crimes, it is a reasonable inference to assume that Mr. Desmarais played a role in the  scheme to use government powers to create one vast bulk water export monopoly supplying Canadian water to the American market and toMexico.

It has also been alleged that Mr. Desmarias has been the puppetmaster pulling the strings of several Prime Ministers of Quebec including Daniel Johnson, Lucien Bouchard, and Jean Charest,  that he  controlled  former  Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day, that he owns and controls present Liberal Party leader Bob Rae, Liberal Party heir apparent Justin Trudeau  and NDP leader Tom Mulcair.  In addition, there is emerging evidence that Mr. Desmarais now also controls present Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.   

In summary, if Canada has had a puppetmaster, the name of that puppetmaster is Paul Desmarais.

Through his ownership of Power Corporation, Mr. Desmarais has maintained significant interests in the water business and he would have readily forseen the vast profits that could be made from controlling a bulk water export monopoly.   Did he also understand that embarking upon such a scheme was also a serious criminal act?   The answer to this question is unnecessary,  because, as any first year law student and many an unfortunate criminal will tell you, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.  

If Mr. Desmarais was a directing mind in the  scheme to use Canadian government powers to create a  Canadian bulk water export company then, in the Editors opinion, he was a part of an criminal conspiracy to violate US Anti Trust laws and break the Canada US Free Trade Agreement in which case he could find himself in an American jail, like other prominent Canadians, who have thought that because they are in Canada they are immune from American law enforcement agencies.

The Canadian government continues to conceal the identities of those behind the scheme to control Canada's water export wealth and Mr. Desmarais must remain a suspect until the Government of Canada reveals the truth and prosecutes the wicked. 

In France, the Desmarais family is linked by Sophie Desmarais’ ex-husband, Eric Le Moyne de Serigny, to the political  financing scandal known as the Bettencourt case that is believed to be behind Sarkozy's sudden visit to Canada.  While he was president of France, Nicholas Sarkozy sold several French state owned public companies to private entities in which the Desmarais controlled Power Corporation of Canada  had a stake and the Demarais family is indebted to the former French President.  The difficulty for the Desmarais family and Mr. Sarkozy is how much doesSarkozy know and is he a liability to the family.  Could the evidence of Sarkozy put thePaul Desmarias or one of his children in a French prison cell before the Americans authorities extradite him?  

Will Sarkozy become another dead body and the first non-Canadian in the Graveyard of the Guilty where there are now over 30 dead witnesses to the Water War Crimes?

"Marais" is the french word for "marsh".   "A marsh" is defined as an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times.   "Des" is a  french word meaning "of".  Literally, "Des marais" means "of the marsh" - a fitting name for a man in the water business and the swampy world of Canadian politics. 


Paul Desmarais and his associates have had a long and profitable relationship with the Communist Government of China but that may be over amid reports that formerDesmarias ally, Chinese insider and heir apparent for the top job in the Chinese Government, Bo Xilai, lost favour with his colleagues, in March, 2012, when the Chinese Politburo discovered that Bo Xilai`s dealings with the  Rothschilds, Desmarais, and George Soros constituted a major criminal conspiracy against the People's Republic of China and its economy.   

Click here to read more about China and Desmarais

If these allegations about a criminal conspiracy by Mr. Desmarais and others against the People`s Republic of China are true, they heighten the suspicion that Paul Desmarais was part of the major criminal conspiracy against the Governments of Canada and British Columbia in relation to bulk water exports.

The art of succeeding as a puppetmaster is to avoid entangling  oneself in the strings that control the puppets.   It does appear that in China, in Canada and in France, Mr. Desmarais may have hung himself and his family in those strings.

The investigation continues.   

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