
Friday, September 26, 2014

China shuts door on new foreign TV channels/2005

China shuts door on new foreign TV channels

  • The Guardian, 
China will bar new foreign television channels and step up censorship of imported programmes, the culture ministry announced, adding to efforts to tighten the communist government's control over popular culture.
To "safeguard national cultural safety", the government will also tighten controls over the 31 foreign satellite broadcasters which hold licences to operate in China, the ministry said on its website.
Beijing will also ban new licences for companies to import newspapers and magazines, electronic publications, audiovisual products and children's cartoons, the ministry said. New limits will be imposed on the number of foreign copyrighted products Chinese companies are allowed to publish.
Over the past two years there have been increasing efforts to control popular culture and keep out material that communist leaders fear is spreading politically and socially dangerous influences.
The latest steps are meant to "strengthen management of imported cultural products, improve intellectual property protections and safeguard national cultural safety", the ministry said.
"No more licences for foreign satellite channels will be issued," it said. Regulators will "conscientiously strengthen management of foreign satellite channels that already have licences".
The statement did not give details of what new content guidelines might be applied to foreign broadcasters.
The measures are a step back from more liberal rules announced late last year to open China's media market. They are likely to be a disappointment for broadcasters hoping for access to China's 400m television sets.
Chinese radio and television stations are eager for foreign investment and programmes as many lose government subsidies and have to compete in a crowded, fast-changing market.
Some foreign companies such as News Corp's Hong Kong-based Star Group have been granted rights to broadcast over cable systems in small areas of the mainland. Viacom's Nickelodeon and others have formed joint ventures with Chinese partners, while some sell blocks of programming.
But communist leaders are reluctant to give Chinese broadcasters free rein to form foreign ties, concerned it might erode official controls over what censors refer to as "political standards" of broadcasts.
Regulators frequently cite foreign culture as a source of unwholesome influences.
Last year, the government prohibited the use of English words on television, and foreign programmes that promote "western ideology and politics". It also banned content featuring crime or violence in primetime in order to promote a "healthy environment" for children.
Last month, the government announced a ban on Chinese television and radio stations forming partnerships with foreign companies or leasing channels to foreign companies.
The culture ministry also said the government will launch a new crackdown on illegal satellite dishes. Most private ownership of satellite receivers is banned in China.
Authorities will also try to stamp out unlicensed broadcasting of foreign programming over telecoms networks.

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