
Monday, January 6, 2014

Strategic Goals of the Chinese Communist Party in Africa

LIBYA, Egypt and the Chinese Communist Party

May 2011 : Democratic uprisings in Libya, Egypt and the Middle East find roots in Chinese Communist Party propaganda techniques, used to destabilize regimes conducting business with the West.
CCP propaganda agents run fraudulent “Pro Democracy” chatter across carefully manipulated Facebook and Twitter pages in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Bahrain and other countries. The propaganda stirs up well-founded discontent among local population. The ruling party, aligned with the US, is challenged and toppled.
Let’s sit down and examine these geopolitical events.
Many people believe far more sinister motives are behind the uprisings in Libya and the Middle East. This political unrest traces roots back to Chinese Communist Party headquarters in Beijing.
The CCP is trying seize oil, water and mineral rights through economic colonization of territory controlled by governments aligned with the United States.
The world’s most belligerent political party intends to plunder Africa’s vast, untapped natural resources. In doing so, the CCP appeases communist elites and weakens the world’s economy.The Chinese Communists are attempting to install governments (in Egypt and elsewhere) hostile to the United States– politically and economically.
A dictator like Mubarak isn’t someone to keep in power. But which “mother country” gets to do business with the new “transitional colonial” administrator of Egypt? Most crumbling dictatorships conduct business with the United States. A new hostile government can only do business with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing.
Dreams of democracy turn into nightmares, unless President Obama and the United States establish a successful counter-insurgency.
The question: install another dictator or attempt to hold free elections?

Strategic Goals of the Chinese Communist

Party in Africa

In North Africa, the CCP desires DIRECT ACCESS to Libyan oil and Egyptian mineral reserves, cotton-producing land. It also seeks to control the Nile River. Chinese hydro-electric dam projects with Chinese “Technical Advisers” mean water, agriculture and human population control.
The Nile is key to human manipulation. The Aswan High Dam allows the Egyptian Government to control water use and agricultural production. When the CCP gains control of dams along the Egyptian Nile as well as the Blue and White Nile in Sudan and Ethiopia, human enslavement through economic colonization is complete.
The Chinese Communists exploited the Sudan with starvation but can’t tap the White and Blue Nile without a “friendly” government’s permission in downstream Egypt.
If anti-American political forces seize power in Egypt, the CCP has environmental destruction and population control on tap.
The CCP began colonization and occupation of Africa years ago. Endless “technical advisers” occupy territory to support the CCP’s inferior hydro-electric dam projects. Based on the infamous Three Gorges Dam blueprints, they plunder natural resources and devastate the environment. Profits, political control and power go hand-in-hand back to Beijing.
Recently, the CCP negotiated a suspicious South American hydro-electric dam project. Construction continues on a multiple-step, hydro-electric dam project along Africa’s mighty Congo River. But the Grand Inga Dam situation in Mid Africa must also wait it’s turn. North Africa is this month’s topic.
Sudan’s Darfur region showcased the CCP’s genocide by proxy policy in Africa. Puppet governments used starvation or forced relocation of nomads and villagers to claim land and mineral rights. Displaced Natives traced roots back to the beginning of time. It’s all done to steal mineral wealth waiting far beneath burned-out huts and dead camels. The CCP mines and exports Africa’s mineral deposits back to slave labor manufacturing complexes in China.
The world media called on the United States to feed what they marketed as local political genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region. When in actuality, it represented systematic genocide waged from Beijing. The U.S. probably borrowed money from the Chinese Communist Party to feed whoever the communists couldn’t starve to death.
What plans does the CCP have for North Africa? Look at the Sudan, Somalia, and Central/Mid Africa to see what’s left in their wake. Africa’s economic colonization by the Chinese Communist Party puts Capitalist Neo-Colonialism theory to shame.
THE LAST COLUMNIST reminds the People to question how news organizations market geopolitical events. Watch to see who or what rises to the top in North Africa and the Middle East and who they are loyal to in the end.

Isn’t it true that Red China has sent supersonic fighters and giant Hind attack helicopters to the Muslim Sudanese govt.? Isn’t it the goal of Red China, along with Russia & North Korea to grab Sudan’s rich oil and diamond deposits? Isn’t that the reason for the mass starvation and slaughter of millions of innocent people–to grab their land and get that oil and those diamonds?

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