Change and Divergence
Decoding the speech means to work for the benefit of all, try to clarify in teaching language, providing arguments for and duly informed the Brazilian population can change the course of policy that the Ranters intend to Brazil GC. The human being should have the vision that the world is built on lies.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
KGB, FARC, Communism, SP Forum, Cuba, Russia, Crack, Cocaine Red
Crack is a cheap drug, sold in poor areas of large urban centers. In the U.S., Jamaican, Haitian and African Americans, immigrants dominate or vie for control of the sale, but also the consumer. In the words of American expert MM Kirsch, marketing crack "is designed for young and ignorant." Moreover, the crack is associated with violent behavior. The large number of killings disputes traffickers or addicts, due to small debts to the traffickers is common since both the U.S. and in Brazil. What seems clear is that the long term strategy of the drugs, the Communist point of view, is not restricted to damage the middle and upper classes, the "elites" but seeks to destroy the entire social fabric of the target countries.
The establishment of networks of agents in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America followed the same pattern throughout the world: corruption by money, blackmail, drug addiction or ideological affinity, if proviso that the USSR never appeared, but only his subordinates, the that made Cuba a key part in the strategic operation with the U.S..
The DGI (Dirección General de Inteligencia) Cuban just completely subordinated to the KGB between late 1968 and early 1969, according to General Sejna. The enthusiasm of Fidel Castro by narcotization plan of American youth was so great that the Russians had to restrain him, fearing exposure of their own role. More controlled, Cuba became then responsible for coordinating drug trafficking to the U.S., and coordinate support to terrorist groups in Latin America. Fidel and Raul Castro are directly involved in this double coordination.
Publisher : Clarion House, Atlanta.
Subject : Communism
Edition : 1st
Year : 1990
Pages : 280
Note : * The title in Portuguese is merely illustrative. No Brazilian edition.
The reader who dwell on Red Cocaine should be prepared in two ways: stronger attention to names and dates and make sure that you have a stomach capable of digesting one detalhadíssimo report on some of the most insidious and protracted actions and schemes perpetrated by individuals throughout history.The almost monotone, accustomed to a detailed technical analysis author, dry style can not stifle the revolt that is revealed through repeated references to the goals of the attackers (the communist state dealers) as well as through the semi-bewilderment of inaction and ineptitude the American and Western officials in general. Red Cocaine traces the general framework, gives the historical background, shows the evolution of Chinese strategic planning and long-term Soviet regarding the use of drugs as a political weapon against chemical and American soldiers and officers, but mainly against American youth in the medium and long term.
Unlike many books on conspiracy theories, Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. presents no theory, but evidence, official documents of various countries involved, testimonies of defectors and testimonials from traffickers in the trial process.
Douglass begins by alerting to a way of thinking already well rooted, ie, that there would only be one side of the traffickers Mafias "local", unscrupulous by nature, and other organizations, drug users, regardless Another possibility: the epidemic or pandemic of illegal drugs as a result of strategies of political war orchestrated by several communist countries against the West in general and against the United States in particular, in combination with local criminal organizations, with or without the knowledge these, particularly concerning long-term strategic objectives.
Then the most comprehensive way of introduction, the author gives an overview of the then recent events, namely the Cuban action in Latin America, especially in Colombia cartels, already citing the actions of FARC together with Cuban policy export of cocaine and other drugs in the U.S. and thus the financing of terrorist actions and revolutionary movements. The year was 1989 and George HW Bush had just been elected president when he decided on a plan of aid to Colombia to combat drug trafficking. It was not Plan Colombia, woven by Bill Clinton and that only benefited the FARC over the cartels, as Medellin, eg. But Colombia was already so infiltrated and corrupted, that the efforts of Father Bush had almost null result. It took the rise of Alvaro Uribe and the frame change, but this is beyond the temporal scope of the book.Anyway, the Cuban coordination of drug trafficking in Latin America and from there to the U.S., is now a fourth stage, or step, in the communist strategy of political warfare via drugs. Let's origins. (Henry Dmyterko).
Opium is a word of Greek origin ( opion , diminutive of opposed , vegetable juice) to identify the "poppy juice". It is a thick liquid extracted from the fruits, still green from several existing species. Smoked or chewed its use causes euphoria, followed by deep sleep. The medical uses, as well as its alkaloids, morphine and papaverine as sleep aid and painkiller. Repeated use leads to addiction, chemical dependency, and following a physical and intellectual decay, since it is a potent poison. Its effects were already known since the Sumerians there 6000 years ago.
This short introduction now gives us the idea that there are at least 6000 years, no ignorance as to the use of opium. Until the nineteenth century, its sale was free but restricted to a few, it relieved the pain and suffering of patients. The metaphor has served for [the Satanist] Karl Marx (1818-1883) define religion as the opium of the people.
Intentionally or not, the growth of opium consumption was due to the commercial interests of England in the nineteenth century. No interessassem European products to the Chinese, the British East India Company opium found in the single product as a bargaining chip for silk, porcelain and Chinese tea.
In 1839 , the drug not only seriously threatened the finances of China, but also the health of soldiers. Corruption was rampant. To draw the attention of the emperor, a minister described the situation as follows:
"Majesty, the price of silver is falling because of the payment of the drug. Soon, your empire will be broken. How long will even allow this game with the devil? Soon we will not have money to pay for weapons and ammunition. Worse yet, no soldiers able to handle a gun because everyone will be addicted. "
In an attempt to regain control, the Emperor launched a strong appeal to the people, warning against the consumption of opium. Foreign firms were surrounded by the military, which in a few days seized and burned in the city of Guangzhou, more than 20 thousand boxes of the drug.
Since then, drug and social action go together. The British reacted to the loss of their interests. Superiorly armed, the answer were two wars, known as "Opium War." The consequences of the disputes between British and Chinese were deeply damaging to the Chinese.These were obliged to open its ports and allow the free transit of European goods in Chinese territory, as well as numerous awards and commercial privileges. And yet, pay a heavy indemnity, handing the island of Hong Kong to the British who remained there until 1997.
If there is a society that knew the hardships of a flawed, corrupted and destroyed society, this is the Chinese who saw his country with one of the most traditional cultures, be conquered in a hitherto unprecedented manner, away from the swords and firearms of generals who even suspected its consequences: drugs.
Perhaps by having thorough knowledge of the effects of drugs in urban populations was Communist China who first realized the potential of the spread of drugs derived from opium (morphine and heroin) as weapons as or more effective than guns or mortars. In early 1950, Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai personally took charge of planning what was to be a grand scheme of trafficking in drugs sold at low prices to American soldiers in Korea, Japan, and especially in island of Okinawa. Comment on operations or the mere mention of Chinese plans was grounds for summary execution, even generals, size the degree of secrecy that the Chinese Communists have enforcement of their intentions. The Chinese were basically the following objectives:
1. With the drug money to finance subversive activities abroad;
2. Corrupt and weaken the morale of the people of the free world;
3. Destroy the morale of U.S. troops who fought in Korea (and later in Vietnam).
Another important detail of the scheme was Chinese cooperation or coordination of other countries under its sphere of influence. This brought several advantages, one being the fact that it diverted the focus of attention from China to North Korea or North Vietnam, another advantage was the expansion of the fields of opium production, although the main and better stay in Chinese territory. All this would have the effect of confusing the U.S. intelligence and other Western countries. There was also a lot of work and care in developing the best quality heroin, ie, with greater power of addiction. The drug was passed through to American soldiers known local drug dealers and prostitutes tricked or blackmailed. American prisoners of war and South Koreans were used as guinea pigs for experiments more refined and potent drugs, and physical endurance tests, where it was found were the very young and most likely to overdose.
In the case of Indochina, the Chinese had, as its first target, the French troops, and achieved great success: the number of French soldiers who abandoned their posts or asked already as low human rags, was staggering. French officers when they began to receive American aid equipment, passed on the information to their colleagues who had about drugs and Chinese involvement. U.S. officials, albeit few in number, passed on to the alarming intelligence reports, but no effective policy of containment or confrontation was never taken.
But even before the American involvement in Indochina, another character was already very well informed Chinese activities for which they showed great interest and enthusiasm: the leadership of the CPSU - Communist Party of the Soviet Union . After Stalin's death in 1953, it was possible a rapprochement between the USSR and China, for the common interests and ideological affinity were absolutely obvious.The Soviets, especially Nikita Khruschev, were fascinated with the possibilities of political warfare through drugs. A Party meeting, asked about the morality of drug use as a weapon, Khrushchev replied that anything that causes damage to capitalists and move forward the revolution was morally justified.
But the Soviets had yet to learn a few things from the Chinese, who were reluctant to cooperate fully. Without further ceremony, the Russians were associated with Chinese agents linked to trafficking and went from there to develop their own methods, more extensive and sophisticated. However, it is important to emphasize that the Soviet strategy of revolutionary war is a comprehensive strategy, involving disinformation, deception and propaganda. The Soviet narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this strategy and is best understood in this context.
As far as China made use of other countries, the USSR, Czechoslovakia opted to begin his plan to expand the war via drugs. Later, other Soviet satellites participate operations, especially Bulgaria, but in the mid-1950s, Czechoslovakia was the most technically well equipped, and has the great advantage of maintaining good trade and diplomatic relations with many Western countries, which facilitate data collection and networking agent and local collaborators.
To make an effective Czechoslovakia subordinate political warfare in drug trafficking route, the Soviets transferred selected from the intelligence services and the Czechoslovak Party, plans courses that instruct members on:
1. Nature of the drug trade, types and qualities;
2. Means of production;
3. Organization of production;
4. Markets and consumers;
5. Security;
6. Infiltration into existing production networks;
7. Using the experience of intelligence networks;
8. Communication within the trafficking organizations;
9. How to transmit information;
10. How to recruit intelligence sources.
The first strategic level of war against the West involved deception, disinformation and propaganda. The second level meant the destruction of capitalism with their own money spent on drugs. When the success of the first two steps, then come the third: the Soviet tanks rolling over Europe.
As we grew trafficking operations of the Soviet bloc, the organization has become more complex, but with the same degree of secrecy and compartmentalization ("learn only what you need to know"). Many were involved, but few knew the purpose of the operation or even the Soviet participation and coordination.
Virtually all these data about the Soviet political warfare come from the memory of an extraordinary man: Jan Sejna, who defected from Czechoslovakia to the United States in 1968. But the General Jan Sejna was no ordinary defector, much less a common source. He was a member of the Czechoslovak PC Central Committee, the National Assembly and the Presidium. Was also a member of the Directors and Senior Policy Fellow in the Department of Administrative Organs and first party secretary in the Ministry of Defence, where he was also chief of staff. His most important position was the secretary of the powerful Defense Council, which was the highest decision-making body in matters of defense, intelligence, foreign policy and economy. Sejna was an officer and employee of the highest level, with access to information about plans and top-secret operations. He met regularly with top officials of the Soviet Union and other communist countries.But Sejna seems to have had much luck in the timing of defect, because it was very badly received in the U.S., already in the first term of Richard Nixon, did not seem to hear anything that disturbed the desired détente (distension) with the countries of East Europe and China.Henry Kissinger [closeted communist and member of the Bilderberg Club] came to play an important role in the denial of the evidence and evidence collected by U.S. intelligence or allied and supported by Sejna.
Anyway, many analysts and agents of U.S. intelligence agencies heard him and gave him credit. If no effective action was taken to combat the Soviet and Chinese policy is a matter which will be discussed below.
According Sejna, one of the long term goals of the communist strategic plan was the destruction of traditional religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. However, in the early and intermediate stages of the plan, and especially in Latin America, Catholic priests should be courted and co-opted for revolution. According to the General Sejna, Soviet projections indicated that 80% of Latin American priests were anti-American (1967 data), 60% had left-leaning policies and 65% (especially younger priests) used some type of drug . The Soviets believed that these young priests would have great influence over the next twenty years and had three reasons to work with them, to help advance the revolution, to use the Catholic Church in the distribution of drugs and to use them in obtaining additional information about existing network traffic.
A portion of the Czechoslovak Soviet operation began in 1960, on two fronts: Asia (Indonesia, India and Burma [Myanmar]) and Latin America (Cuba). Cuba and has had particular relevance to the growth in the flow of illegal drugs into the United States.
Between August and September 1960, just a year and a half after Fidel Castro seized power, his brother Raul Castro visited Czechoslovakia in seeking military assistance. At that time, Fidel and the Soviets harbored mutual distrust and this was the reason for the approach via Czechoslovakia. Sejna was responsible for receiving the Cuban delegation and act as host. But one of his first actions was to arrange a meeting with Khruschev. Shortly after the visit, the Soviets instructed the Czechoslovaks to work with the Cubans, but without them knew the Soviet role. Many KGB agents posed as military and technical advisors of Czechoslovakia. The aim was twofold: to not let Fidel knew infiltration and not raise suspicion among Americans.
Cuba and Czechoslovakia soon made an agreement for cooperation and military assistance (training and equipment) and help in the organization of Cuban intelligence and counterintelligence services. More than half of the "Czechoslovak" instructors were actually Soviets.
One of the main tasks was to increase the potential in Cuban production and distribution of drugs to the United States, especially via Mexico and Canada. In Mexico, Czechoslovakia had already developed an excellent network of agents. Over the years, Mexico has become the main route of entry of narcotics in the U.S., with the complicity of corrupt local officials with drug money, literally a vicious circle. With the passage of time, approximately thirty percent of all the drug in the USA came to be passed through Mexico. The establishment of networks of agents in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America followed the same pattern throughout the world: corruption by money, blackmail, drug addiction or ideological affinity, if proviso that the USSR never appeared, but only his subordinates, the that made Cuba a key part in the strategic operation with the U.S..
The DGI (Dirección General de Inteligencia) Cuban just completely subordinated to the KGB between late 1968 and early 1969, according to General Sejna. The enthusiasm of Fidel Castro by narcotization plan of American youth was so great that the Russians had to restrain him, fearing exposure of their own role. More controlled, Cuba became then responsible for coordinating drug trafficking to the U.S., and coordinate support to terrorist groups in Latin America. Fidel and Raul Castro are directly involved in this double coordination. Besides Sejna, several sources (DGI agents who defected in the 1980s, traffickers have received immunity to testify, etc..), Confirming the role of Cuba, Fidel and Raúl Castro. Among the countries cited as components of the production networks of agents or scheme are: Mexico, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, etc.. The destruction of the children of the "bourgeoisie" through drugs, especially students in universities and funding and coordination of anti-American movements or revolutionary, was the main objective, besides the collection of significant funds to replenish stocks of subversion. Chile in the early 1960s, then-Senator Salvador Allende was an enthusiast of the Cuban-Soviet plan.
In the U.S., especially during the Vietnam War, part of the immense volume of drug money was used to support peace movements, anti-nuclear war, etc.., Following the same pattern of infiltration and manipulation on college campuses, but also in the press and TV. were drugs in massive supply that fed the mood of disenchantment and the search for more drugs, not war . The American media in general, whether through ignorance, arrogance, or collaborating, undertook to disseminate just more convenient version of the communist plans.Also, anyone with the most basic knowledge of economics knows that is the offering that creates the demand, and not otherwise. In other words: there were the drug in the target countries before the start of Soviet or Chinese operations, but these had offered a quantity of drugs so big and relatively low prices, the result could not be other than the explosion of consumption and the number of dependents, multiplying the political and financial gains via drug war politics.
Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Bolivia and Peru are noteworthy, each to offer a particular advantage. Among these, Colombia, Mexico and Panama were to play key roles. For her excellent dry border with the U.S., the fragility of the political system, which in turn made the judiciary and police targets easy to blackmail or corruption, Mexico became free route for drugs and almost all enforcement actions trafficking, or were boycotted and revealed in advance, or were simply shell.
Colombia is another special chapter, depending on the infamous drug cartels (Medellín, Cali) and names like Pablo Escobar. It is important to note that the Cuban-Soviet plan made no distinction as to useful sites: cartels had no ideological affinity with the revolutionary movements or communism, but the lucrative business of drug required to do good neighborhood policy with terrorists, (M-19 and then the FARC), giving them weapons in exchange for protection and information, they passed by the Soviets, via DGI. The same can be said of the Mafia in Europe or the USA. To cartels and mafias, it was just a way to increase business and not needed for this or wanted to know who might be providing intelligence from international operations. For the Soviets, this disinterest was more than just convenient.
The first steps of U.S. aid to Colombia were given in 1989 by President George HW Bush (Bush Senior), by sending money and military aid to combat cartels. It was not the Colombia Plan Bill Clinton (also referred only to combat the narco-terrorist cartels and not).
The American Inaction
In 1950, Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of the United States Government for Narcotics worked hard to convince his superiors that communist China, not the Mafia, was the main force in the drug trade: "The biggest drug dealer is Beijing, not the Mafia. " Anslinger provided comprehensive database of the U.S. Congress and the UN also. But in 1962, the U.S. government stopped giving attention and publicize the issue. There were people interested in cultivating good relations with Communist China. So perhaps it is not coincidental that in 1961, the year that Anslinger retired personnel pro-China swung over to the State Department (which is the bureaucracy that actually runs American foreign policy).
In 1969, President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs. One of the first actions was to identify the sources of the problem. In these efforts, CIA analysts began examining trafficking emanating from Southeast Asia. From a huge amount of detail collected from varied sources, was drawn map of the region called " Golden Triangle ", considered the main source of drugs. The triangle included parts of Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, and especially the province of Yunan, in communist China. The triangle is presented in full dash line in the figure above.This review is identical to that presented by Sejna, is based on studies of the Czechoslovak and Soviet intelligence.
In 1970, the show was transferred to the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, the predecessor of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency). Months later, a new version of the map emerged from the White House. The "new" that triangle was now represented by the thin dash line. Thus, communist China came out of the Golden Triangle. At the time, the official in charge of chairing the Committee of Narcotics was Henry Kissinger, but this rarely appeared in the meetings and showed very little interest in the subject. General Alexander Haig usually chaired the meetings and tried to stifle the efforts of those who attempted to combat the heroin trade.
When the Defense Department began using reconnaissance planes to identify fields of poppy plantation in the region, Kissinger [Communist closeted] determined the interruption of flights, so they do not threaten the policy of détente (distension) with China.
Independent analyzes indicate that, despite the good will of several American presidents, starting with Nixon , combating drug trafficking was undermined from within, by bureaucracy and senior officials . The drug problem has been used to build an empire of power and influence within the administration, causing an avalanche of media manipulated headlines and provide the rationale for organizing targeted from the White House National Drug Policy, which actually would used for domestic political purposes. There were strict orders to cease all forms and reports that mencionassem Communist China as involved in drug trafficking. In addition, senior officials have had a history of making use of the drug problem for personal political gain.
Another example of blatant stupidity, is the difficulty of communication or bad faith scandalous episode in the defection of Colonel of the Bulgarian intelligence, Stefan Sverdlev in 1970, when he brought the Bulgarian government documents that proved the involvement of the international trafficking drugs. The CIA confirmed Bulgaria as a new distribution center for drugs and weapons. And yet, another U.S. government agency sent employees to Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, to establish customs cooperation in combating drug trafficking! Only in 1981 the Americans came to the conclusion that Bulgaria's cooperation was not very effective. But worse than that is that the American training in narcotics identification techniques spread to China and also the Eastern European countries.
Banks, Money Laundering and Other Interests vested
During the brief Bulgarian scandal, Forbes magazine published an article revealing that the drug money laundering in Bulgaria was facilitated by the Swiss banks Credit Suisse and UBS. Absolutely no practical measure was taken against these banks. And this is where it reveals the barely concealed anger, frustration and discouragement in the face of literally unstoppable advancement of drugs in the United States and the West in general. One can not ignore the vast amount of data collected by the very government agencies, particularly the NSA and some sectors of the CIA and the DEA. There were people working seriously to combat trafficking, to the point of being tortured and murdered. However, within those same agencies and the State Department and the Treasury had a wall of resistance to any investigation or more direct action as money laundering and tracking of financial resources that went out or came in the USA. And the values are very high: in the early 1980s, it was estimated that American citizens were spending between $ 80 billion and $ 110 billion a year on illegal drugs. At the end of the decade, these values amounted to $ 300 billion, while global spending amounted to $ 500 billion. Some estimates showed the value of $ 1 trillion. It is known that there is a U.S. law that 'forces' the banks to report withdrawals and deposits over ten thousand dollars. Thus, many financial institutions have been investigated and indicted for money laundering operations. One bank was accused of committing seventeen thousand violations of federal law cash transactions. But there were very few indictments or heavy fines applications. Nor much publicity was given to the subject. But ironically, there is no business in the world that turns $ 500 billion a year and who are not active and knowledgeable assistance from banks and financial institutions.
Ramon Milian Rodriguez, one responsible for laundering and investment of the resources of the Medellín Cartel, was arrested in the U.S. in May 1983. In 1988, before a Congressional Committee, reported to Senators John Kerry (Democrat) and Alphonse D'Amato (Republican) how, with the assistance of the Panamanian Defense Forces, he transferred huge amounts from banks in Panama, since then a tax haven created with the approval of the government and American banks, and as it was courted by the New York banks. According to Rodriguez, "the New York banks are not dumb ... all the time they knew who they were dealing with. " Banks pointed out by Rodriguez composed a sort of who's who of high finance in the United States: Citibank, Bank of America and First National Bank of Boston. Have the TV network ABC has identified Citibank, Marine Midland (owned by Chinese bankers in Hong Kong), Chase Manhattan (the Rockefellers) and Irving Trust, plus most of the 250 banks and branches of foreign banks in Miami and involved in laundering drug money.
Apart from money laundering, these American banks plus financial institutions in Japan, Britain, West Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland have made sizeable loans to Third World producers of opium or coca and also the countries of the Soviet bloc, which, in turn, coordinated trafficking. Encourage exactly this kind of commercial and financial transactions was a major policy objectives under Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and of course, Gorbachev. But encouraging such activity has also been a major goal of American foreign policy since 1969. Just who is responsible does not appear, it is not known whether they are banks or large companies that encourage the policy of the Department of State or is this that encourages those.
Crack and "Designer Drugs": Urban Violence, Synthetic Drugs High Power and the Future.
The crack appeared in the U.S. in early 1980 and its rapid spread around the world, including Brazil [crack is a potent derivative of a form of coca paste, called a free base, liberated when smoked]. His power of "addiction", or addictive, is multiplied and there are cases of dependents from the first time I took the drug.
Unlike cocaine, crack is an inexpensive drug, sold in poor areas of large urban centers. In the U.S., Jamaican, Haitian and African Americans, immigrants dominate or vie for control of the sale, but also the consumer. In the words of American expert MM Kirsch, marketing crack "is designed for young and ignorant." Moreover, the crack is associated with violent behavior. The large number of killings disputes traffickers or addicts, due to small debts to the traffickers is common since both the U.S. and in Brazil. What seems clear is that the long term strategy of the drugs, the Communist point of view, is not restricted to damage the middle and upper classes, the "elites" but seeks to destroy the entire social fabric of the target countries. In the U.S., a great social and ethnic conflagration via gang war is already seen in daily chapters. In Brazil, the situation does not involve ethnic origins, but the violence resulting from the trafficking of crack equals or greater. For those who enjoy some graphic language, the communist strategy is to destroy the social pyramid of the target countries undermining and eroding the base top .
Already in the case of modern synthetic drugs, ie, post 1960, the objectives were to obtain drugs of high power and extremely difficult to detect, either in searches or drug testing. A secondary result of this high power is the maximization of profits. In rough numbers, an "investment" of $ 2000 in pure heroin would yield something close to $ 1 million on the streets. The same investment of $ 2000 in chemicals and equipment would yield a pound of 3-methyl fentanyl [3000 times stronger than morphine] approximately $ 1 billion in the streets.
Also notable is the ease with which traffickers have in obtaining chemicals produced by large companies; product that could be easily controlled by American, European, and Japanese agencies . The question is simple: why are not?
As for the future, there is a mixture of dismay, considering total inefficiency and pure politicking of most U.S. government actions to fight drugs, and the only hope comes from some relatively recent initiatives disclosure of the origins of the problem through the media. What is essential is to get the population of lethargy, or stop believing that the perfunctory statements about the "war on drugs" and start charging results. But for this you need information, you need to know what are the real enemies . Unable to fight ghosts .
This chronic long story about the Red Cocaine was based on the book " Red Cocaine, The Drugging of America "Dr. Joseph D. Douglass Jr, security affairs consultant with 43 years experience in defense policy, technology and intelligence having trouble to the U.S. government as deputy director of the Tactical Technology Office of the Advanced Research Projects Agency and also with various providers defense services based in Washington, DC.
He served in various science councils and defense studies and until 1990 he was a consultant and advisor to several U.S. government agencies and nonprofit institutions. He received his BA, MA and Ph.D. from Cornell University. There he taught and also at the School of Naval Postgraduate School and the International Relations of Johns Hopkins. . Has authored or co-authored several books and reports, some secret Among the public are: Soviet Strategy for Nuclear War (Hoover Institute), America the Vulnerable: The Threat of Chemical and Biological Warfare (Lexington Books) and Communist Decision Making: An Inside View (Pergamon-Brassey's).
I thought it appropriate to put the summary at the site to be a current problem with the strong tendency to grow in the near future. Although affect society as a whole, consider a subject neglected by Brazilian authorities and also by society, that without clear government policy, certain, and especially free and unbiased, become completely helpless and vulnerable.
The text reveals only one side of the story. Certainly many are amenable to analysis and would require more time and space for a proper debate. The question should be meditated on and only the search for deep understanding of all the issues surrounding drugs is can uproot this evil plaguing societies, both rich and miserable, worldwide. Remember that in Latin America, in 2010 alone, an estimated 50,000 people, directly or indirectly related to drugs, lost their lives. I mean, we live in an undeclared war.
I mean that every citizen Mid culture must seek to understand Brazilian society more deeply in all possible ways to help you: 1st assess whether official measures are effective on the problem; 2nd charge more clear positions of the organs of repression and control; 3 suggest and collaborate on ways that they can optimize their efficiency; 4th exchange experiences with many sectors of scientific knowledge to prevent, recover hit by bad either drugged or traffickers; 5th restore the population's sense of participation, family and community.
With so next elections, we should pay attention to the complaints of open relationships Brazilian political parties with guerrillas of various trends within the South American continent. The importance of Brazil's capital within this block that is being formed gradually. Our choice, certainly set the trend of other and our timid democratic experience, as improvised as confusing, is still far from guaranteeing citizens the maintenance of democratic freedoms through effective governance. Incidentally, it is our weakness as a civilization that pushes us into the bottomless pit full disposal of our society, with complete submission to our tormentors that, unfortunately, turn out to be those who chose to represent us next to parliament.
These chronicles are not exhaustive in any way, but I believe that may help unravel the dark points of this issue in order to achieve the proposed objectives above. (Ricardo Figueiredo).
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