
Thursday, October 10, 2013

what's going on in Ont?

Is there any reason that 7 Mayors of Ontario’s Rural Towns have been “invited” to go on an “Investment” tour in China for ten days when thousands of Private Sector Companies have gone this way for years at their own expense for their own markets?
It seems to have started back in October at the Canada China Business Council in Markham where 13 Ontario Mayors attended a sales pitch by Chinese reps to lure them to China for negotiations over LAND available in Canada………………………. for WHAT?
Remember that these people are OUR elected representatives supposedly elected to represent our needs as citizens of each particular Municipality,NOT the interests of a foreign Government!
Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development  is not a very well liked word within Municipal Offices these days. As the public becomes more informed of what has been going on behind their backs inside Municipal politics and that is the de-population of Rural Ontario which is Agenda 21′s main purpose, Councillors become more agitated and nervous when confronted by informed citizens.
Just try it. Call your Municipal office and ask them if they are following Agenda 21′s local Government initiatives. You will be met with denial and when pushed, a rather aggressive “hang up”! If you get to this point then ask the Council about this little nugget of “Sustainable Development” that every Council in Ontario should have on it’s book shelves:  FCM’s Green Municipal Fund.*
Here’s a “snippet” of this document which clearly shows that Municipal Councils promote and adhere to Agenda 21 proposals in case your Councillor claims “he doesn’t know what your talking about!”
*Examples of SCPs: (Sustainable Community Plans)
• integrated community sustainability plans
• long-range sustainability plans
• Local Agenda 21 plans
• local action plans (for example, greenhouse
gas reduction plans)
That publication will lay out the United Nations engineered plans for virtually all loss of control over YOUR lands and resources for the “better good”!
How “entrenched” in Canada at all levels of Government and Business is Agenda 21 and it’s tenticles that are literally aimed at redefining our quality of life, our future and our present day Rights and Freedoms that have been  guaranteed by our forefathers who actually laid down their lives to ensure a Free and Democratic Canada?
Well, here is just one “think tank” all dressed up to represent large business and Education centres in order provide Global Governance guidelines for less than “enlightened” politicians.

Centre for International Governance Innovation

Spend some time on this little gathering and notice some “players” like RIM Canada and University of Waterloo who have millions of $$$ invested in setting up a policy panel which in turn advises Political leaders on how to manipulate the lands and resources that WE live on for investing in foreign countries. 
For a foreign Government to literally pay the way for an elected official to attend any type of negotiations regarding OUR sovereign lands could actually be perceived as bordering on treason.
The same type of trip in Vancouver triggered some outrage and obviously these Ontario Mayors are about to commit

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