
Friday, October 11, 2013

Jesuit Power Structure

Africa Assistancy
Central Africa, West Africa, Eastern Africa, Madagascar, Rwanda-Burundi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
East Asia Assistancy
Australia, China, Indonesia (Malaysia-Singapore, Thailand), Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam
South Asia Assistancy
Andhra, Bombay, Calcutta, Darjeeling, Delhi, Dumka-Raiganj, Goa, Gujarat, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur, Karnataka (Kohima), Kerala, Madhya-Pradesh, Madurai, Patna (Nepal), Pune, Ranchi, Sri Lanka
Central Europe Assistancy
Austria, North Germany, South Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Lithuania
East Europe Assistancy
Bohemia, Croatia, North Poland, South Poland, Romania, Russia Region, Ukraine District, Slovakia, Slovenia
South Europe Assistancy
Spain, Aragón, Baetica, Castile, Italy, Loyola, Portugal (Mozambique, Angola), Tarragon, Toledo
West Europe Assistancy
South Belgium, North Belgium, Britain, South Africa, Guyana, Upper Canada, Gallia, Maghreb, French Canada, Ireland, Malta, Near East,Netherlands
North Latin America Assistancy
Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela
South Latin America Assistancy
Argentina, Bahia, Bolivia, Central Brazil, South Brazil (Mato Grosso), North Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay
USA Assistancy
California, Chicago, Detroit, Maryland, Missouri, New England, Jamaica, New Orleans, New York (Micronesia, Nigeria-Ghana) Oregon, Wisconsin

About the Author

A truth sayer of the higher caliber fighting the highest levels of the conspiratorial power governing the World today. Also exposing how to regain health through real knowledge of herbalism, acupuncture, Chiropracting, diet system and Qigong.


    Most powerful Jesuit in Canada Terrence Prendergast
    Terrence Thomas Prendergast (born 19 February 1944) is a Canadian Archbishop and Chancellor of Saint Mary’s University, Halifax.
    A native of Montreal, he entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1961 and was ordained a priest in 1972. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fordham University, as well as the Master of Divinity and Doctor of Theology degrees from Saint Mary’s University, Halifax through its earlier affiliation with Regis College, Toronto School of Theology.
    Prendergast was named as the new Archbishop of Ottawa by Pope Benedict XVI on 14 May 2007and was installed on June 26, 2007.
    Bishop Prendergast taught in Halifax at the Atlantic School of Theology from 1975-1981, then was Rector of Toronto’s Regis College from 1981-87, and its Dean of Theology from 1991 – 1994. From 1992-94 he assisted Bishop Frederick Henry (now of Calgary) in conducting an apostolic visitation of English-language Canadian seminaries for the Vatican. At the time of his nomination as bishop in 1995, he was Visiting Professor at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem.
    Named Titular Bishop of Slebte and Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto on February 22, 1995, Father Prendergast was ordained a bishop in St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto, on April 25, 1995. In Toronto, his duties as auxiliary included responsibility for the Western Pastoral Region (Etobicoke, part of North York and the region of Peel-Dufferin), liaison with the theological faculties and planning the preparations for the Great Jubilee.
    After serving on the Canadian Bishops’ Commission for Relations with Associations of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Laity, Bishop Prendergast is now a member of the CCCB Theology Commission and co-chair of the national Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue. Aside from other pastoral involvements, Bishop Prendergast is a teacher, writer and retreat giver. For several years he has written a weekly Scripture column in the Catholic Register; he has been a writer or editor for several journals, and lectured and given retreats across Canada, in the U.S. and Rome.
    Archbishop Prendergast has a sister and three brothers, and is devoted to his many nieces and nephews, as well as to his Jesuit religious family. His hobbies include squash, cycling, skating, foreign films and Italian cooking. He was installed as Archbishop of Halifax on September 14, 1998 -the first Jesuit Archbishop. The Archbishop of Halifax oversees dioceses in the province of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Further, in accordance with provincial legislation, the Archbishop of Halifax is installed as the Chancellor of Saint Mary’s University, Halifax.
    The Prince of the United Kingdom, The British Pope
    Vincent Nichols
    The true controller of the following:
    The Grand Lodge, British SIS, British SS,
    Queen “Guelph”, “The City” of London
    Covertly controlled by
    Jesuit Dermot Preston SJ
    controlling from

    * Fr. Jean-Roger Ndombi (Eastern Africa) Assistant for Africa
    * Fr. Marcos Recolons (Bolivia) Assistant for Latin America (Central)
    * Fr. Gabriel Ign. Rodriguez (Colombia) Assistant for Latin America (South)
    * Fr. Lisbert d’Souza (Bombay) Assistant for Central Asia
    * Fr. Daniel Huang (Philippines) Assistant for Easte Asia-Oceania
    * Fr. Adam Zak (Poland) Assistant for Central and Eastern Europe
    * Fr. Joaquín Barrero (Castille, Spain) Assistant for Southern Europe
    * Fr. Antoine Kerhuel (France) Assistant for Western Europe
    * Fr. James Grummer (Wisconsin) Assistant for the United States

    Provincial Offices
    114 Mount Street
    Phone: +44-20 7499 0285

    Presidents of the U.S. Jesuit Conference (Washington, D.C.)
    This organization, established in 1968 as the Conference of Major Superiors of Jesuits (renamed Jesuit Conference in 1971) did not at first have a President. John V. O’Connor served as Executive Secretary, 1968 to 1972.
    Robert A. Mitchell
    1972 to 1975
    James L. Connor
    1975 to 1981
    John J. O’Callaghan
    1981 to 1985
    Walter Farrell
    1985 to 1989
    Patrick J. Burns
    1989 to 1994
    Gregory F. Lucey
    1994 to 1998
    Bradley Schaeffer
    1998 to June 2006
    Thomas Smolich
    June 2006 to Present

    (Latest as of the 22nd of August 2011)
    California Provincial
    Michael F. Weiler, S.J
    New York
    David S. Ciancimino, S.J,
    Patrick J. Lee , S.J
    New Orleans
    Mark A. Lewis, S.J.
    Douglas W. Marcouiller, S.J
    Thomas Lawler, S.J
    New England
    Myles N. Sheehan, S.J
    James Shea, S.J
    Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J


    Three New Japanese Jesuit Priests

    Monday, September 22, 2008…it-priests.html
    There was an ordination ceremony this afternoon (20080920) at St. Ignatius Parish Church, next to Sophia University. Japan has only about half a million Catholics in a population of about 125 million; so it is extraordinary even if simply one Jesuit receives ordination per year. Miraculously, this year there were three Jesuits: a Japanese, an Indian, and an Indonesian.
    The presiding bishop was Msgr Peter Okada Takeo of Tokyo. An unassuming, ascetic-looking bishop, he conducted the ceremnony with the required solemnity, as the choir of St. Ignatius Parish bathed the nearly 1,000 attendees in soothing music. About 50 priests concelebrated, including Fr. Sumita, the Jesuit Provincial of Japan; Fr. Karumathil, the Jesuit Provincial of Kerala; and several rectors, diocesan and religious priests of different orders. The gospel passage was Mk 16/14ff, calling on listeners to preach the gospel and baptize. The homily was surprisingly short, just about ten minutes, in which the bishop recalled the 188 Japanese martyrs who will be beatified soon and exhorted the newly ordained to live up to their calling.
    Although the mass was at 14:00 and a wayward typhoon was threatening, the Church was full. As is common in Japan, but perhaps unthinkable in India and Christian countries, there were not only Cathoics but also non-Catholics at the ceremony. Non-Catholics in Japan can marry in Catholic Churches, and they eagerly attend Christmas masses, sometimes even waiting for an hour or two! In Japan, non-Catholics are allowed to join the procession of communicants and approach the altar, though they are told not to extend their palm to receive the host but to bow their head and receive the priest’s blessings. So when his or her turn comes, a non-Catholic bows reverentially and the priest extends his hand and blesses the person, sometimes uttering words of encouragement.

    Japanese Provincial, Shogo Sumita with Superior General
    The United States is divided into 10 Provinces called the U.S Assistancy my friend. This Assistancy is controlled by the Regional Assistant and his President of the Jesuit Conference of the United States based in Washington D.C. These Provinces contain whatever states within their borders and are governed by the Provincials. So right now we have Regional Assistant Soldier, James E. Grummer, S.J controlling Thomas H Smolich, S.J controlling the U.S Assistancy. Smolich is the most powerful Jesuit soldier in the United States as James E. Grummer resides in Rome. Now study the roots of Washington D.C and understand why this is the true headquarters of the Society of Jesus. Note how Georgetown University, is the most powerful ‘military fortress’ of the land training leaders such as William Clinton and Kristine Marcy (Senior Executive Service/NAPA).
    Washington D.C comes from land belonging to Roman Catholics, Daniel Carroll & Francis Pope. This land was once known as ‘Rome’ back in old 1663 property records, all part of Virginia and Maryland. The same Jesuit trained, Roman Catholic, Daniel Carroll who signed the Declaration of Independence! The same Daniel Carroll who’s brother Roman Catholic, John Carroll founded the fortress known as Georgetown University!
    -The Unhived Mind
    National Officers of the Jesuit Conference
    Thomas H. Smolich, SJ
    Executive Secretary / Socius
    Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ
    Secretary for Formation
    Steven C. Dillard, SJ
    Secretary for Finance and Higher Education
    Albert J. DiUlio, SJ
    Secretary for Pastoral Ministries and Jesuit Life
    Paul B. Macke, SJ
    Secretary for Secondary and Pre-secondary Education
    Joseph F. O’Connell, SJ
    Secretary for Communications
    James L. Rogers
    Secretary for Social and International Ministries
    James R. Stormes, SJ
    Not up to date:

    India has over 3900 Jesuits within it’s borders making it the World’s largest Jesuit community. It has 20 Jesuit Provincials working under the South Asia Assistancy. Theres Loyola College in Chennai, St Xavier’s College in Kolkata & Mubai. Theres De Nobili College, St Vincent and Loyola School for instance just to name a few. In the Prune province you have the Sanjeevan HQ.
    Matthias Joon-ho Chae, SJ
    (Provincial, Korea Province)
    Louis Gendron, SJ
    (Provincial, China Province)
    Daniel Patrick L. Huang, SJ
    (Provincial, Philippine Province)
    Agustinus Priyono Marwan, SJ
    (Provincial, Indonesia Province)
    Shogo Sumita, SJ
    (Provincial, Japan Province)
    Joel Tabora, SJ
    (Chair, AJCU-EAO and President, Ateneo de Naga University)
    Daniel Ross, SJ
    (AJCU-EAO Executive Secretary)
    Ron Anton, SJ
    (Director, The Beijing Center)
    Yoshiaki Ishizawa, PhD
    (President, Sophia University)
    Wiilliam Kreutz, SJ
    (President, Ateneo de Zamboanga University)
    Bienvenido Nebres, SJ
    (President, Ateneo de Manila University)
    Paulus Wiryono Priyotamtama, SJ
    (President, Sanata Dharma University)
    Antonio Samson, SJ
    (President, Ateneo de Davao University)
    Byungdoo Sohn, PhD
    (President, Sogang University)
    Benedictus Triatmoko, SJ
    (Director, St. Mikhael’s Technical Academy of Manufacturing Engineering, ATMI)
    Jose Ramon Villarin, SJ
    (President, Xavier University –Ateneo de Cagayan)
    Joseph Kim Chinh Vu, SJ
    (Fu Jen University)
    AUGUST 2008
    Fr. Joel Tabora, S.J.,
    Chair of AJCU-EAO and President of Ateneo de Naga University
    Fr. Benedictus Triatmoko, S.J.,
    President of ATMI gave a presentation on GC35 and Higher Education
    Fr. Jose Ramon Villarin, S.J.,
    President of Xavier University
    Fr. Bienvenido Nebres, S.J.,
    President of Ateneo de Manila University
    Fr. Mark Raper, S.J.,
    President of the JCEAO
    Fr. Paul Wiryono, Priyotamtama,
    President of Sanata Dharma University
    Fr. Jean-Claude Hollerich, S.J.,
    Trustee for Catholic Affairs and VP for Student affairs of Sophia University
    Fr. Antonio Moreno, S.J.,
    President of Ateneo de Zamboanga University
    Fr. Antonio Samson, S.J.,
    President of Ateneo de Davao University
    Ms. Charissa Noble,
    AJCU-EAO Secretary
    Africa Assistancy
    Central Africa, West Africa, Eastern Africa, Madagascar, Rwanda-Burundi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
    East Asia Assistancy
    Australia, China, Indonesia (Malaysia-Singapore, Thailand), Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam
    South Asia Assistancy
    Andhra, Bombay, Calcutta, Darjeeling, Delhi, Dumka-Raiganj, Goa, Gujarat, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur, Karnataka (Kohima), Kerala, Madhya-Pradesh, Madurai, Patna (Nepal), Pune, Ranchi, Sri Lanka
    Central Europe Assistancy
    Austria, North Germany, South Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Lithuania
    East Europe Assistancy
    Bohemia, Croatia, North Poland, South Poland, Romania, Russia Region, Ukraine District, Slovakia, Slovenia
    South Europe Assistancy
    Spain, Aragón, Baetica, Castile, Italy, Loyola, Portugal (Mozambique, Angola), Tarragon, Toledo
    West Europe Assistancy
    South Belgium, North Belgium, Britain, South Africa, Guyana, Upper Canada, Gallia, Maghreb, French Canada, Ireland, Malta, Near East,Netherlands
    North Latin America Assistancy
    Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela
    South Latin America Assistancy
    Argentina, Bahia, Bolivia, Central Brazil, South Brazil (Mato Grosso), North Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay
    USA Assistancy
    California, Chicago, Detroit, Maryland, Missouri, New England, Jamaica, New Orleans, New York (Micronesia, Nigeria-Ghana) Oregon, Wisconsin

    UDM President to Assume National Jesuit Position
    Provided 10 Years of University Leadership, Service
    DETROIT, Feb. 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ –University of Detroit Mercy President Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., Ph.D., will assume the position of Executive Assistant to the President of the Jesuit Conference and Director of Planning for the Jesuit Conference in Washington, D.C., effective this summer. The Jesuit Conference serves as the national organization of the 10 Jesuit provinces in the United States. In this new role, Stockhausen will serve as chief of staff, advising and working closely with the President of the Jesuit Conference and his staff to lead, direct, and coordinate a series of planning projects that will implement the apostolic choices made by the national and international Society of Jesus over the last few years.
    “Father Stockhausen has a proven track record in creating and implementing a dynamic vision during his 10 years at the University of Detroit Mercy,” said Thomas Krettek, S.J., Provincial Superior of the Wisconsin Province. “In calling him to this new ministry on behalf of the Society of Jesus, I am confident that he will apply these same talents in helping the 10 Jesuit provinces achieve their strategic plan for a more effective apostolic service.”
    Stockhausen has served as UDM president since July 2004. Previously, he was vice president for Academic Affairs and Provost at UDM from 2000-2004.
    “During his tenure at UDM, Father Stockhausen led the University with a laser focus on mission, ministry, and growth,” said Board of Trustees Vice Chair Rosita Schiller, RSM. “His commitment to the educational traditions of the founding sponsors (Sisters of Mercy and Jesuits), academic excellence, service, and the City of Detroit has garnered strong support among students, faculty and staff, alumni, and the business community. We will especially miss his unique ability to fuse his priestly ministry with academic administration.”
    UDM experienced increases in both enrollment and academic stature during Stockhausen’s 10-year tenure. The University realized record enrollments in the School of Architecture, School of Dentistry, College of Health Professions and Nursing, and in the Sciences. In addition, the School of Law enrollment more than doubled. The full-time student enrollment grew by 37 percent during this period. The 2008 and 2009 freshman fall classes are the highest incoming classes since the consolidation of University of Detroit and Mercy College of Detroit in 1990 to form the University of Detroit Mercy. In addition, freshman ACT scores have increased from 20.7 to 23.9 during the past six years and the University is consistently ranked in the top tier of Midwestern master’s universities by U.S. News & World Report.
    Under Stockhausen’s presidency, more than a dozen new academic programs were also established, including five-year undergraduate/graduate programs in Business Administration, Physician Assistant, Teacher Education, Engineering and Chemistry. A new Doctor of Nursing Practice was recently approved to begin May 2010 and a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering is scheduled to begin September 2010. Stockhausen also created the Office of Mission & Identity and hired a permanent director for the Catholic Studies Program to further enhance the University’s Catholic identity.
    The University received wide-spread acclaim for its hosting of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Regional Final in 2008 and the NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four in 2009. Both events realized NCAA record attendance.
    From 2005 to 2009, the University achieved five straight years of surplus budgets and is on track to achieve the same result this year. Also during this period, the University experienced strong fund-raising results, with particular growth in planned gifts. The University has expanded its outreach to alumni nationally and experienced an increase in donors in 2009.
    Stockhausen has also focused on enhancing University facilities for greater student satisfaction. Significant building renovations and an improved internal campus ring road were completed on the McNichols Campus. Plus, a new track & field and a new tennis complex were installed to accommodate three new sports teams: men and women’s lacrosse and men’s tennis. In 2007, the University moved its School of Dentistry from its former Outer Drive Campus to a larger facility in Corktown in order to expand student enrollment and increase the scope of dental care to patients.
    As an advocate for Detroit, Stockhausen has worked to improve its neighborhoods by serving as chair of the Board of Directors of University Commons, a northwest Detroit community organization comprised of neighborhood associations, Livernois Avenue businesses, Marygrove College and UDM. The organization works to improve the residential and business environment in the area.
    Stockhausen also implemented the UDM Employee Homeownership Program to encourage employees to purchase a home in the neighborhoods surrounding UDM’s three campuses. Through a variety of clinics and outreach programs, the University provides professional services and assistance to approximately 12,000 community members annually.
    Stockhausen has served as a director on the boards of Detroit Downtown, Detroit Economic Club, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation and New Detroit. He is also a trustee for Loyola Jesuit High School in Detroit and a board director for Wheeling Jesuit University and Creighton University.
    “I am most grateful for my 10 years here at UDM,” said Stockhausen. “I am proud to say that UDM is a better and stronger school today than it was 10 years ago, but it will be very hard to leave all the friends I have made here and all the people who have worked so hard to make UDM an excellent educational experience for our students. On the other hand, I am eager to accept this new assignment and the opportunities it brings to make a positive difference for the Jesuits and their apostolic works throughout the United States.”
    Stockhausen holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan; a master’s degree in social ethics and a Master of Divinity degree from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California; and a master’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from St. Louis University.
    The Board of Trustees of the University of Detroit Mercy is planning a process for the selection of Stockhausen’s successor.
    The University of Detroit Mercy is Michigan’s largest private Catholic University, with more than 100 academic majors and programs. Sponsored by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and the Sisters of Mercy, the University has campuses located in downtown and northwest Detroit. UDM is one of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities and the largest of 18 Mercy institutions of higher education in the United States.
    For the ninth consecutive year, University of Detroit Mercy is listed in the top tier of Midwestern Master’s Universities in the 2010 edition of U.S.News and World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges.”
    SOURCE University of Detroit Mercy
    PP. Gesuiti – Comunità S. Cuore
    Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha – Parcella 6
    Pranë Klub Partizanit, CP 112
    Phone: +355-42 47 431 – +355-42 48 230
    Austria – Österreich
    P. Gernot Wisser SJ
    Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 1
    A-1010 WIEN I
    Phone: +43-1 512 52 32 16
    Belgium – België- Belgique
    North Belgian Province
    P. Fons Swinnen SJ
    Provincialaat van de Vlaamse Jezuïeten
    Koninginnelaan 141
    B-1030 BRUSSEL
    Phone: +32-2 205 01 50
    South Belgian Province + Luxembourg
    P. Daniel Sonveaux SJ
    Provincialat Belgique méridionale
    rue André Fauchille 6
    B-1150 BRUXELLES
    Phone: +32-2 775 85 70
    Fr Ivan Hang SJ
    Hercegovačka 1b
    BiH-71000 SARAJEVO
    Phone: +387-33 657 465
    P. Ivan Koprek SJ
    J. Palmoticéva 31, pp. 699
    HR-10 000 ZAGREB
    Phone: +385-1 4923-633
    Czech Republic
    P. Jan Adamík SJ
    Ječná 2
    CZ-120 00 PRAHA 2
    Phone: +420-2 9621 6440
    P. Gerhard Sanders SJ
    Skt. Knuds Stiftelse
    Stenogade 4 A
    Phone: +45-33 21 85 88
    P. Jean Yves Grenet SJ
    Provincial de France
    Maison Saint Régis
    7 rue Beudant
    F-75017 PARIS
    Phone: +33-1 5342 1030
    P. Jean-Jacques Guillemot SJ
    Vice-Provincial de France
    7 rue Beudant
    F-75017 PARIS
    Phone: +33-1 5342 1052
    Germany – Deutschland
    P. Stephan Kiechle SJ
    Provinzialat Deutsche Provinz
    Seestrasse 14
    D-80802 MÜNCHEN
    Phone: +49-89 3818 5240
    Great Britain
    Fr. Michael Holman SJ
    Provincial Offices
    114 Mount Street
    Phone: +44-20 7499 0285
    P. Gabriel Marangos SJ
    Résidence du Sacré-Coeur
    28 rue Michel Voda
    GR-104-39 Athenes
    Phone: +30-10 88 359 11
    P. János Lukács SJ
    Sodrás utca 15
    H-1026 BUDAPEST
    Phone: +36-1 392-5157/108
    Fr. Tom Layden SJ
    Province Curia – Loyola House
    87 Eglinton Road
    Phone: +353-1 269 6029
    Italy – Italia
    P. Carlo Casalone SJ
    Curia Provinciale Padri Gesuiti
    Via degli Astalli 16
    I-00186 ROMA
    Phone: +39-06 697 001
    Regione Centrale-Meridionale
    P. Claudio Barretta SJ
    Via degli Astalli 16
    I-00186 ROMA
    Phone: +39-06 697 001
    Regione Centrale-Settentrionale
    P. Nicola Gay SJ
    Via degli Astalli 16
    I-00186 ROMA
    Phone: +39-06 697 001
    Lithuania – Latvia
    P. Vitkus Gintaras SJ
    Didžioji 34
    LT-01128 VILNIUS – Lithuania
    Phone: +370-2 22 17 15
    Luxembourg – Grand Duché
    P. Jacques de L’Arbre SJ
    Maison du Christ-Roi
    Avenue Gaston Diderich 23-25
    Phone: +352 4497 111
    Macedonia – Makedonija
    Fr Stepan Kušan SJ
    JRS – Katolička
    Partizanska bb
    MK-6000 OHRID
    Phone: +389 46 268 216
    Fr. Paul Pace SJ
    29 Triq il-Markiż Scicluna
    Phone: +356 21 26 06
    The Netherlands – Nederland
    P. Jan Bentvelzen
    Provincialaat Nederlandse Jezuïeten
    Amaliastraat 13
    NL-2514 JC ‘s GRAVENHAVE
    Phone: +31-70 363 6932
    Jesuits in Poland (English)
    Jezuici w Polsce (Polish)
    Greater Poland Province
    P. Tomasz Kot SJ
    Kuria Prowincji Wielkopolsko-Mazowieckiej
    ul. Narbutta 21
    PL-02-536 WARSZAWA
    Phone: +48-22 542 1000
    South Poland Province
    P. Wojciech Ziółek
    Kuria Prowincji Polski Poludniowej
    Maly Rynek 8
    PL-31-041 KRAKÓW
    Phone: +48-12 428-15-00
    P. Nuno Gonçalvez SJ
    Cúria Provincial
    Estrada da Torre, 26
    P-1750-296 LISBOA
    Phone: +351-1 754 30 60
    P. Pablo Guerrero SJ
    Curia Provincialis
    Manastirea Sf. Ignatiu
    Str. Tudor Arghezi, nr. 2
    RO-400363, CLUJ-NAPOCA
    Phone: +40-264-406-469
    P. Anthony Corcoran SJ
    ul. Friedricha Engelsa 46/4 – P.Box 27
    RU – 105005 MOSKVA
    Phone: +7 095 265 16 41; +07 095 279 41 76
    Fax: +7 095 261 33 59
    Serbia-Montenegro – Srbija i Crna Gora – Vojvodina
    P. János Sóti SJ
    Maršala Tita 2
    Phone: +381-23 771 554
    P. Peter Bujko SJ
    Panská 11 – P.O.Box 173
    SK-814 99 BRATISLAVA
    Phone: +421-7 544 33 230
    E-mail: or
    Slovenia – Slovenija
    P. Milan Bizant SJ
    Provincialat DJ
    Ul. Janeza Pavla II. 13
    Phone: +386-1 252 1438
    Spain – España
    P. Francisco José Ruiz Pérez SJ
    Provincial de España
    Avenida de la Moncloa, 6
    E-28003 MADRID
    Phone: +34-91 534 4810
    Provincia de Aragón
    P. Vicente Durá Garrigues SJ
    La Cenia, 10
    E-46001 VALENCIA
    Phone: +34-96 391 6104
    Província de Andalusia + Canary Islands
    P. Guillermo Rodriguez-Izquierda Gavala SJ
    Avenida Manuel Siurot, 61
    E-41013 SEVILLA
    Phone: +34-95 429 6230
    Província de Castilla
    P. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves SJ
    Avenida de la Moncloa, 6
    E-28003 MADRID
    Phone: +34-91 534 4810
    Província de Loyola
    P. Juan Jose Etxeberria SJ
    Canciller Ayala, 3 – Apdo 566
    E-48080 BILBAO
    Phone: +34-94 479 4940
    Província Tarraconense – Catalunya
    P. Lluis Magriña SJ
    Roger de Llúria, 13
    E-08010 BARCELONA
    Phone: +34-93 318 3736
    P. Klaus Dietz SJ
    Kungsträdgårdsgatan 12
    SE-11147 STOCKHOLM
    Phone: +46-8 505 780 10
    Switzerland – Schweiz – Suisse
    P. Pierre Emonet SJ
    Hirschengraben 74
    CH-8001 ZÜRICH
    Phone: +41-1 266 2120
    P. Patrice Jullien de Pommerol
    Isiklar Caddesi
    Kardesler Sokak 15
    TR-06250 ULUS – ANKARA
    phone: +90-312 309 8285 – Fax: +90-312 309 8014
    Ukraina – Ukraine
    P. David E. Nazar SJ
    vul. Yosipa Slipoho, 8a
    79017 Lviv, Ukraine
    phone: +380 (32) 225-7027
    General Counsellors
    When Father General is in Rome, he begins every day meeting his “General Counsellors”.
    The election of those counsellors shows an equilibrium between the new elected Superior General and the General Congregation who has elected him.
    Fr. General is the one who appoints (now nine) Regional Assistants, and several other General Counsellors.
    The General Congregation elects four Assistants “ad providentiam”. Their function is to assist the Superior General on behalf of the whole Society. The assistance called for deals with external matters “such as clothing, food and any expenditure touching upon the General’s person”, preventing him “from going beyond measure in labours or excessive severity”, and attending “to his soul in case necessity might arise”.
    Among the General Counsellors there is a Counsellor for formations and Fr. General’s delegate, responsible for the governance of the international Jesuit houses in Rome.
    The two counsellors not residing in Rome are ready to come to Rome whenever Father General wants their advice on various matters.
    Assistants “ad providentiam”
    Fr. Lisbert D’Souza
    (Bombay Province, India, Born: 1944)
    Regional Assistant for Southern Asia.
    Fr. James E. Grummer
    (Wisconsin Province, USA, Born: 1950)
    Regional Assistant for the USA.
    Fr. Federico Lombardi
    (Italian Province, Born: 1942)
    Fr. Marcos Recolons de Arquer
    (Bolivia Province, Born: 1942)
    Regional Assistant for South Latin America.
    Other Counsellors
    Fr. Joaquín Barrero Díaz
    (Castille Province, Spain, Born: 1949)
    Regional Assistant for Southern Europe and Superior of the Curia community.
    Fr. Joseph P. Daoust
    (Detroit Province, USA, Born: 1939)
    Delegate for the international Jesuit Communities in Rome.
    Fr. Daniel Patrick Huang
    (Philippine Province, Born: 1959)
    Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific.
    Fr. Antoine Kerhuel
    (French Province,
    Born: 1957)
    Regional Assistant for Western Europe.
    Fr. Jean-Roger Ndombi
    (Western Africa Province, Born: 1953)
    Regional Assistant for Africa.
    Fr. Gabriel Ignacio Rodríguez
    (Colombia Province, Born: 1952)
    Regional Assistant for Northern Latin America.
    Fr. Mark Rotsaert
    (Northern Belgian Province,
    Born: 1942)
    Fr. Arturo Sosa Abrascal
    (Venezuela Province, Born: 1948)
    Fr. Orlando Torres
    (Puerto Rico Province, Born: 1944)
    Assistant for formation.
    Fr. Adam Żak
    (South Poland Province, Born: 1950)
    Regional Assistant for Central and Eastern Europe.
    Regional Assistants
    After his election at the 35th General Congregation (2008) Father General appointed 9 Regional Assistants from a list, provided by the Congregation.
    These “Regional Assistants” help him in the governance of the Society of Jesus and have a responsibility in a (territorial) Assistancy.
    There are nine assistancies:
    AFR: Africa
    ALM: Southern part of South America
    (America Latina Meridionalis)
    ALS: Northern part of South America
    (America Latina Septentrionalis)
    ASM: South Asia (Asia Meridionalis)
    ASP: Asia Pacific
    ECO: Central and Eastern Europe
    (Europa Centralis et Orientalis)
    EMR: Southern Europe
    (Europa Meridionalis)
    EOC: Western Europe
    (Europa Occidentalis)
    USA: The United States of America
    Role of the Regional Assistants
    The Regional Assistants help and support Father General in his decision- making. They are responsible for the oral and written communication with the provinces of their Assistancy).
    The entire governance structure of the Society of Jesus is based on a continuous flow of information and extensive consultations.
    Each and every decision is based on the reports received from local Superiors, brother Jesuits, lay collaborators as well as the provincial’s personal knowledge of every Jesuit and apostolate in his province.
    Decisions to call a man to ordination, to final vows, appointments of Superiors and Directors of Apostolates all follow this careful decision-making process.
    AFR: Africa
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Jean-Roger Ndombi
    (Western Africa Province, Born: 1953)
    Fr. Tshika Jules Tshibamfumu
    (Central African Province, Born: 1961)
    ALM: South America South
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Marcos Recolons de Arquer
    (Bolivia Province, Born: 1942)
    Secretary (Portug.):
    Fr. Dionysio Seibel
    (Province of South Brazil, Born: 1939)
    Secretary (Spanish):
    Fr. Benjamin Crespo
    (Peruvian Province, Born: 1949)
    ALS: South America North
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Gabriel Ignacio Rodríguez
    (Colombia Province, Born: 1952)
    Fr. Benjamin Crespo
    (Peruvian Province, Born: 1949)
    ASM: South Asia
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Lisbert D’Souza
    (Bombay Province, India, Born: 1953)
    Fr. Kristdhari Kujur
    (Madhya Pradesh Province, India, Born: 1955)
    ASP: Asia Pacific
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Daniel Patrick Huang
    (Philippine Province, Born: 1959)
    Fr. José Quilongquilong
    (Philippine Province, Born: 1963)
    ECO: Central and Eastern Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Adam Żak
    (South Poland Province, Born: 1950)
    Fr. Bogdan Lesniak
    (Greater Poland Province, Born: 1973)
    Fr. Georg Schmidt
    (German Province, Born: 1953)
    EMR: Southern Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Joaquín Barrero Díaz
    (Castille Province, Spain, Born: 1949)
    Secretary (Italian):
    Fr. Eugenio Costa
    (Italian Province, Born: 1934)
    Secretary (Portuguese):
    Fr. Dionysio Seibel
    ( Province of South Brazil, Born: 1939)
    Secretary (Spanish):
    Fr. Luis López Yarto
    (Castille Province, Spain, Born: 1935)
    EOC: Western Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Antoine Kerhuel
    (French Province,
    Born: 1957)
    Fr. Louis Boisset
    (Near East Province, Born: 1939)
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. James E. Grummer
    (Wisconsin Province, USA, Born: 1950)
    Fr. Jesús Rodríguez
    The principal officials of the Curia
    The Secretary and the Vice-secretary coordinate the work of the Curia, especially the written and electronic correspondance and the data of the Society of Jesus.
    The General Treasurer oversees the finances and civil legal matters of the Society of Jesus.
    The General Procurator is concerned with all matters of Canon Law and the Law of the Society of Jesus.
    The General Postulator oversees the processes towards beatification or sanctification of jesuits or people who have been commended to the Society of Jesus.
    The Secretary of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Ignacio Echarte Oñate
    (Loyola Province, Spain, Born: 1951)
    Secretary of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Ralph da Costa
    (Karnataka Province, India, Born: 1940)
    Vice Secretary of the Society of Jesus
    The General Treasurer of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. J. Thomas McClain
    (Detroit Province, USA, Born: 1949)
    General Treasurer of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Robert B. Grimm
    (Oregon Province, USA, Born: 1946)
    Assistant to the General Treasurer
    Fr. Francisco José Gismondi
    (Province of Argentina, Born: 1962)
    Assistant to the General Treasurer
    Br. James P. Selinsky
    (Oregon Province, USA, Born: 1946)
    Assistant to the General Treasurer
    Br. Anthony Crasta
    (Karnataka Province, India, Born: 1946)
    Assistant to the General Treasurer
    The General Procurator of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Robert J. Geisinger
    (Chicago Province, USA, Born: 1958)
    Procurator General of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Luis Javier Sarralde
    (Province of Colombia, Born: 1968)
    Assistant to the General Procurator
    The General Postulator of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Anton Witwer
    (Austrian Province,
    Born: 1948)
    General Postulator of the Society of Jesus
    Fr. Marc Lindeijer
    (Dutch Province,
    Born: 1966)
    Assistant to the General Postulator
    Curia Secretariats
    Within the Society of Jesus’ govern-mental structure, five apostolic sectors receive special attention through the creation of secretariats.
    The Ignatian Spirituality Secretariat
    The office promotes ignatian spirituality in all our works and ministries. It serves as link between more than 250 Spirituality Centres and 30 Reviews world-wide. Edits the Review of Ignatian Spirituality in English, Spanish and French.
    The Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat
    The office exists to support and encourage Jesuits and partners in their work for justice peace and environmental care worldwide. Digital editions of the review “Promotio Iustitiae” available in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
    The Higher Education Secretariat
    is in restructuration
    The Education Secretariat
    is in restructuration
    The Secretariat for Ecumenical & Inter-religious Dialogue
    For the ecumenical and interreligious dialogue these Dialogue Advisors have been appointed: These advisors constitute the Secretariat for Ecumenical & Inter-religious Dialogue for the Society. The Secretariat is a consultative group conversant with the ongoing dialogues among diverse faith communities. Each advisor remains in his present work and location rather than moving to Rome. All the advisors gather in Rome once a year to meet together with Father General for discussions on developments in ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, and the Society’s involvement in them. Each advisor is appointed for a term of three years.
    The Ignatian Spirituality secretariat
    Fr. Edward Mercieca Bezzina
    (Maltese Province, Born: 1939)
    Secretary for the Ignatian Spirituality
    The Social Justice and Ecology secretariat
    Fr. Fernando F. Franco
    (Province of Gujarat, India, Born: 1941)
    Secretary for Social Justice and Ecology.
    The Higher Education secretariat
    Fr. Ronald J. Anton
    (Maryland Province, USA, Born: 1948)
    Secretary for Higher Education
    The Education secretariat
    Fr. José Alberto Mesa
    (Colombia Province, Born: 1960)
    Secretary for Education
    Ecumenical and Inter-religious dialogue
    For the Ecumenical dialogue with other Christian communities:
    Oriental churches: Milan Zust (Slovenia) member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
    Protestants: Thomas Rausch (California, USA) theology professor, Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles
    For the Inter-religious Dialogue:
    Judaism: Jean-Pierre Sonnet (Belgium) Professor Hebrew Bible, Gregorian University, Rome
    Islam: Christian Troll, Emeritus professor, Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany
    Buddhism: Aloysius Pieris, Director, Tulana Research Center, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Hinduism: Noel Sheth, Professor, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, India
    Indigenous religions in the Americas: Xavier Albó, CIPCA, La Paz, Bolivia
    Indigenous religions in Africa: Kemboly Mpay, Professor, Philosophy Faculty, Kinshasa, DR Congo
    Group of Dialogue advisers at their first meeting in September 2010. Visit at the Vatican Congregation of Interreligious Dialogue. From left to right: 1. Christian Troll, 3. Mpay Kemboli, 4. Milan Zust, 5. Noel Sheth, 6. Xavier Albó, 7. Jean-Pierre Sonnet, 8. Fr. General, 9. Mons. Celata, 10. Joe Daoust, 11. Thomas Rausch, 13. Etienne Degrez. Not present at the meeting: Aloysius Pieris
    Other Offices of the Curia
    The Communication and Public Relations Office
    This office is responsible for communication within and outside the Society of Jesus.
    The Liturgical Commission
    The office is responsible for preparation and publication of litugical texts for the saints and blessed of the Society of Jesus
    The Archive – Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI)
    On the grounds of the Jesuit General Curai in Rome is located the Archives building housing ARSI which is the official central archives for the worldwide Society of Jesus. It houses a large quantity of Jesuit documents both historic and contemporary. Other Jesuit documents are held by the Bibca Nazionale Central Vittorio Emmanuele (fondo Gesuitico dei Manoscritti) and the Vatican Archives.
    The Library of the Curia
    The Development Office of the Curia
    The Jesuits work in over 130 countries throughout the world, dedicated to a variety of apostolates; spiritual, social and educational, while ‘finding God in all things.’ Jesuits work in spirituality centers, refugee camps, universities, schools, and parishes: always present on the frontiers of faith and culture.
    If you would like information on how to help the people we serve, please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.
    FACSI- Fundus Apostolicus et caritativus Sociatatis Iesu
    The solidarity fund of the Society of Jesus to help needs inside and outside the Society
    The Communication and Public Relations Office
    Fr. Giuseppe Bellucci
    (Italian Province,
    Born: 1938)
    Director of the Communication and Information Office
    Fr. Philip Debruyne
    (Northern Belgian Province,
    Born: 1949)
    Curia Webmaster
    The Liturgical Commissions
    Fr. Anton Witwer
    (Austrian Province,
    Born: 1948)
    General Postulator of the
    Society of Jesus
    The Archive
    Fr. Brian Mac Cuarta
    (Irish Province, Born: 1957)
    Director of the archive
    Fr. Robert Danieluk
    (Southern Polish Province, Born: 1969)
    Collaborator of the archive
    Fr. Paul Oberholzer
    (Swiss Province, Born: 1968)
    Collaborator of the archive
    Fr. James F.X. Pratt
    (New England Province, USA, Born: 1954)
    Collaborator of the Historical Institute of the Society of Jesus
    The Library of the Curia
    Fr. Ernest R. Martinez
    (California Province,
    Born: 1931)
    Director of the Library
    of the Curia
    The Development Office of the Curia
    Fr. Jorge Eduardo
    Serrano Ordoñez
    (Colombia Province,
    Born: 1951)
    Director of the
    Development Office
    Fr. Marc Lindeijer
    (Dutch Province,
    Born: 1966)
    Secretary of FACSI
    The International Works at the Curia
    The Jesuit Refugee Service – JRS
    The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced persons in more than fifty countries worldwide. The main areas of work are in the field of emergency assistance, education, advocacy, income generating activities, pastoral care, social services, reconciliation and community building.
    The Apostleship of Prayer – AoP
    The Apostleship of Prayer can be defined as an association of the faithful that helps Christians unite their prayers and their lives to the prayer and the mission of the universal Church, of which the Holy Father’s general and missionary intentions remind us every year.
    The AoP has been entrusted by to Holy Father to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus.
    Also in a lot of countries there is the Eucharistic Youth Movement.
    The Christian Life Communities – CLC
    The Christian Life Community is an international association of Christians: men and women, adults and young people, of all social conditions, who want to follow Jesus Christ more closely and work with Him for the building of the Kingdom. Members make up small groups, which are part of larger communities organised regionally and nationally, all forming ONE World Community. The CLC is present in all five continents, in almost sixty countries.
    The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
    Fr. Peter Balleis
    (German Province, Born: 1957)
    International Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service
    Fr. Elías López Pérez
    (Betica Province, Spain, Born: 1963)
    Assistant International Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service
    The Apostleship of Prayer (AoP)
    Fr. Claudio Barriga
    (Province of Chile, Born: 1960)
    Delegated general director of the Apostleship of Prayer
    The Christian Life Communities (CLC)
    Fr. Luke Rodrigues
    (Bombay Province, India,Born: 1965)
    Delegate of Fr. General for the Christian Life Communities
    Father General
    07 October 2010
    Letter to the Provincial of Spain. On September 10 Father General sent in response to the Provincial of Spain a letter in which he confirms the process of the integration of the 5 Provinces into only one, as it was stated in the document that was given to him. This document communicates in several chapters the following issues: the revitalization of the life and the mission of the apostolic body of the Society, the structures of governance for the period of transition, the structures for the new Province, the Apostolic Project, etc. Father General approved as concrete decisions:
    - That in September 2010 the transition begin the initial phase with the objective to activate the Apostolic Project, which has been implemented. From now on the various apostolic areas will begin to transfer little by little to the Provincial of Spain. The first area to be transferred this October will be formation.
    - That the new Province will be established in 2016 with the name “Province of Spain”. In it the Provincial guarantees the unity in governing according to our law. At the same time the localand territorial apostolic ventures have the aim of harmonizing in union with the particularity of the current Provinces.
    Father General underlines the importance of the chapter On revitalizing religious life and the mission of the apostolic body, as the cornerstone of the building that we want to construct. Only thus we can continue with hope on this journey already begun, to analyze peacefully the difficulties that present themselves, to pay attention to the various sensibilities and to the contributions that arise from Jesuits and their collaborators in order to better in its entirety and in its essential elements the course that has been already delineated, but that is susceptible to redoing so that is helped everyone to achieve the apostolic goal that is proposed. Finally, Father Adolfo Nicolás invites all to continue in the good practice of giving opportune information and asking the participation of fellow Jesuits and of communities, as also of our respective collaborators, so that no one feels extraneous to the future that is for all and in which all are involved in the response that encourages them to go beyond the particularities and increase the union of hearts and minds.
    From the Curia
    - Commission for Practica Quaedam. Practica Quaedam is the manual of instructions on the way to handle the correspondence with Father General. The last edition was in 1997. In conformity with what the last General Congregation indicated in number 15 in the Decree on Governance, some months ago the Secretary of the Society asked the Provincials and their Socii to send suggestions in order to update the manual. Father General has constituted an international working group in order to carry out this task. After e-mail exchanges, the commission gathers in Rome from October 11th to the 16th in order to prepare the final edition of this document. The plan is that the new manual will be ready in the first months of next year. This is one of the three commissions to implement some juridical aspects of the General Congregation. A report was given, in this Bulletin (cf. no. 16, of September 6, 2010), about the commission that worked on the structure of the provinces. When the commission meets in order to examine the “Formula of the General Congregation” we will give account about it.
    - From 22 until 29 September, JRS International organized its Fifth Service Orientation Course for new staff in the organization. On the first day of the course, veteran staff from around the world helped the participants understand the refugee context, both in global terms and by looking at particular situations in Haiti, South Africa and Sri Lanka. On successive days, the course examined the mission, vision and values of JRS and how it relates to the work of the Society of Jesus at large. New staff were also briefed on human resource issues, such as team work, conflict, stress, and were introduced to the work of the communications, advocacy and programs departments in the International Office.
    Father General has appointed:
    - Fr. Colin Tan Chin Hock, of the Malaysia-Singapore Region, new Superior of the same Region. Father Colin Tan, at present Master of Novices, vocation promoter and treasurer of the Malaysia-Singapore Region, was born in 1960, joined the Society of Jesus in 1988 and was ordained a priest in 1999.
    - Fr. Joseph Pham Thanh Liem new Provincial of the Vietnam Province. P. Joseph was born in 1952, joined the Society of Jesus in 1972, and was ordained a priest in 1995. He has been Socius to the Provincial beside holding other Province responsibilities.
    - Fr. Bogdan Lesniak, of the Province of Upper Poland, is from September 23 the new secretary for the Assistancy of Central-East Europe, east section. He substitutes Fr. Alexander Puss. Fr. Bogdan was born in 1973, he joined the Society of Jesus in 1993 and was ordained a priest in 2005.
    From the Provinces
    AMERICAS: The birth of “Magis Americas”
    On September 23 in Rome, the President of the Conference of Latin American Provincials and the President of the USA Jesuit Conference, at the presence of Father General, signed the birth of Magis Americas which seek to increase and deepen collaboration on behalf of the mission of the Society of Jesus in the Americas, particularly through work on behalf of the Jesuit-sponsored ministries in Latin America. Magis Americas is a non-profit organization which engages in the following activities in the United States: raises funds for civil society projects sponsored by the Society of Jesus in Latin America (for example Fe y Alegria), and other apostolic activities that may be promoted with the support of both Conferences; facilitates contacts and mutual beneficial interaction between social agents from North and South and supports, through fundraising, possible joint projects approved by relevant authorities of both Conferences; promotes participation in public policy debates and forums in the United States on educational and social development in Latin America; develops contacts between individuals and institutions sponsored by the Society of Jesus in Latin America. Magis Americas operates on these criteria to guide the provision of such services according to its organizational capacity, subject to its Certificate of Incorporation and its Bylaws, consistent with the legal requirements of the State of Delaware and the United States.
    AUSTRALIA: Adapting the Spiritual Exercises across Asia
    In view of increasing collaboration across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP), some 23 participants among Jesuits and lay people working in Ignatian Spirituality ministries gathered at the end of August at Canisius Centre of Ignatian Spirituality in Sydney, with Father General’s Secretary for the Ministry of the Spiritual Exercises, Fr. Eddie Mercieca, as a special guest speaker, along with JCAP (Jesuit Conference of Asia-Pacific) President Fr. Mark Raper and Australian Provincial Fr. Steve Curtin. Both Fr. Mercieca and Fr. Raper made presentations at the conference exploring the need for greater formation and training for people in the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises, which should be a key element in the direction and style of all Society’s ministries. “I would add that it is imperative that each Province has two or three of its best men trained seriously in spiritual studies with special reference and research in Ignatian Spirituality,” said Fr. Mercieca, who in his last talk on the final day of the meeting, addressed the need for broader collaboration across the Asia-Pacific Assistancy. He outlined three themes for the collaboration between the various Provinces: Common apostolic discernment; Ignatian leadership formation; and the insertion of the Spiritual Exercises in local cultures and traditions. With Asia being such a vastly diverse region of cultures and communities, Fr. Mercieca said one of the biggest challenges facing the Society would be adapting the Exercises to local contexts.
    BOLIVIA: Film on Luis Espinal
    With the desire of inspiring reflection on the inheritance left by Luis Espinal on the thinking of Bolivian society, in the next days the film Lucho San Pueblo, by Fr. Eduardo Pérez, S.J. will be broadcasted all over Bolivia. The film tells the story of the Jesuit martyr Luis Espinal, victim in 1980 of the Bolivian military dictatorship. It shows the happenings of the night in which he was kidnapped and tortured , based on documents and historical sources, among which the audio of his voice when, in his capacity as director of a radio station connected with Radio Fides, he broadcasted the news about the military coup d’état by the then colonel Hugo Banzer Suárez. Fr. Espinal intervened defending politicians and labour organizers persecuted and imprisoned during the 1971 military coup d’état. In March 1980 he was kidnapped, put into a jeep and brought to a slaughterhouse where he was tortured for four hours and finally killed with 14 gunshots, after having engraved a cross on his chest.
    BURKINA FASO: A challenge to the desert
    The name of the project is “A challenge to the desert”, and is sponsored by Magis (Mouvement and Action of Italian Jesuits for Development). It is a big project of human, cultural, health, socio-economic and even athletic development and its goal is to launch growth and autonomy for an entire province around Kaya, in Burkina Faso, Subsaharian Africa, between desert and savana, with the participation of the local population. The challenges are water, agricultural high school, working cooperative, learning, health, solar kitchens. And even the building of a recreational and sporting center. Taking up the tradition of 500 years of experience, from St. Francis to Father Arrupe, Magis is a work of Italian Jesuits working for missions all over the world. It is recognized as a NGO (non governmental organization) by the Minister of Foreign Affairs), as a ONLUS (not for profit organization) and as a charitable entity. To learn more:
    COLOMBIA: Meeting of Ignatian Spirituality’s Reviews
    The CIRE (Ignatian Center for Reflection and Exercises) of Bogota, Colombia, hosted, October 4-6, the third international encounter of Ignatian spirituality reviews. Participants came from France, Canada, Italy, Spain, England, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina. The meeting was organized by Fr. Edward Mercieca, of the Secretariat for Ignatian Spirituality of the Society of Jesus at the General Curia in Rome. Apart from sharing of challenges, today’s orientation and problems the reviews have to face in their countries, the themes on the agenda were: how to profit by proper resources, how to increase the opportunity of exchange of articles and how to realize a common project for the years to come. Father General, in his message of congratulations for the encounter and the work done by spirituality reviews, pointed out three fields or areas of our life and our way of proceeding that could be deepened in the studies of ignatian spirituality: early, specialized and ongoing formation; ignatian spirituality there and put into practice in every apostolate of the Society, dialogue between faith and culture according to the custom of every country and region.
    ROME: Celebration of the first approbation of the Society
    On the evening of September 27th a solemn liturgical celebration to commemorate the 470th anniversary of the first approbation of the Society of Jesus, took place in the Church of the Gesù, Rome, with numerous Jesuits, friends, and people committed to Jesuit spirituality. Father Federico Lombardi, in absence of Father General, who was in Belgium, presided at the liturgy. In his homily Fr. Lombardi recalled the approval of the Society by Pope Paul III, on September 27, 1540 and said that “this date is a watershed. It marks the passage from the spiritual and apostolic involvement of a group of friends in the Lord to the birth of a new religious Order recognized by the Church, with all the consequences that this involves. Also Ignatius will no longer be the spiritual head of a group of itinerant apostles, but he will be soon a religious Superior” engaged in the tasks of governance and the drawing up of the Constitutions of the new Order, of which he will become the true Founder. Later he added: “In 470 years the Society of Jesus has accomplished extraordinary apostolic enterprises, but also it has had its weaknesses and been subject to some very hard tests and humiliations. It was suppressed by a Pope, and approximately 200 years ago it was restored to life by another Pope and began again its way with practically nothing. It has been expelled many times from many different countries (…). The tests to which in these times the Society must deal which concerns the credibility of the Church – radical tests of faith in a secularized world, tests of coherence and credibility in witness and holiness of life – are tests of life or death, that the Society lives internally, within its very body.”
    USA: At work on the Border
    The work of the Kino Border Initiative continues on U.S.-Mexico border. It is a a collaborative effort of the Jesuit provinces of California and Mexico, the Diocese of Tucson, the Archdiocese of Hermosillo (Mexico), Jesuit Refugee Service, and the Missionary Sisters of the Eucharist. The kitchen of the dining room ministering to deportees on the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Mexico, with the help of some Jesuit students and other members and volunteers, served as many as 250 meals a day in winter. The average this summer has been about 150 meals per day, a reduction accounted for in part by the summer heat cutting down on cross-border traffic and partly by the Border Patrol flights that return people to their home states. Apart from some beds and other services for women and children, the services at the Kino Border Initiatives’s offices in Nogales includes public education about the border in light of Catholic social teaching, with workshops offered in parishes on both sides of the border and research and advocacy on behalf of fundamental human rights and comprehensive immigration reform. Talking about his experience Ricardo Avila, a young Jesuit in formation who spent five weeks with the Kino Border Initiative this summer said: “I’ve gotten an understanding of the migrant experience, of how genuinely dangerous the immigrant experience is.”
    Paraguay, the Guaraní played soccer. The Paraguayan team was vs. Italy at the first football match of the world champions league in South Africa and played very well brushing the semifinal, beaten by Spain which was the world winner. In those days Gianpaolo Romanato wrote in the Osservatore Romano that soccer in Paraguay is very old. Here is a testimony: “During feast days, after evening mass, men organize a fictitious struggle in the square, throwing arrows towards a target (…). They also used to play soccer, and, even if of full rubber, the ball was light and quick and once received the stroke, bounced back many times without stopping, pushed by its own weigh. They do not push the ball with their hands, as we do, but with the upper part of the naked feet, passing it over and receiving it with great ability and precision.” This is what wrote Spanish Father José Manuel Peramás. Born in 1732 he worked for some years among the Guaraní of the Paraguayan Reducciones, until the decree of expulsion forced him and his brethren to leave the Spanish colonies in America. He died in Faenza, Italy, in 1793. But this is not the only testimony. Another missionary of the Reducciones, Fr. José Cardiel, who died in exile in Faenza in 1781, speaks about the same topic. Another jesuit historian of the Reducciones, peruvian creolo Father Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, wrote around 1639-1640 that soccer was practiced by guaraní even before the arrival of the Spanish missionaries.
    New in SJWEB
    - A slide show about the visit of Father General to the two Belgian Jesuit Provinces. Click on “sjweb Media”.
    Cardinal gives thanks for ‘unique’ Jesuits
    4 December 2003
    Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor has praised the ‘unique’ role played by the British Jesuits since the days of the Counter Reformation.
    He was speaking at the end of a Mass held at Farm Street Church, London, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the British Province of the Society of Jesus. The congregation of over 800, made up of around 50 Jesuits, with their supporters, friends and co-workers, also heard the British Provincial encourage the members of the Province in the vital work of evangelisation.
    The Cardinal told the congregation that the Jesuits had been part of the history of this country ‘in quite a unique way’. He continued: ‘The whole Catholic community of England and Wales, our bishops, priests and people, are grateful for the particular contribution the Jesuit community has made to evangelisation in our countries. ‘These are difficult times and the Church has to be innovative and brave and confident when it looks to the future in spite of all the challenges it faces. Together we must evangelise our country.’
    ‘The contribution that the Catholic Church makes to our country, to this nation, is crucial,’ Cardinal Cormac continued. ‘Within the Church, the particular charism of the Society of Jesus is valued. For that I give thanks today.’
    In his homily, the British Provincial, Fr David Smolira SJ, looked back over the past 200 years since Pope Pius VII had restored the Society of Jesus in this country. He reflected on the work done ‘in the service of the Church in Britain’, in schools, colleges, parishes, in spiritual guidance and among the poor – ‘work which, I am delighted to say, continues with vigour today!’
    Fr Smolira concluded by quoting from Pope John Paul’s 1995 address to the Jesuits, and reminded his fellow Jesuits of the Holy Father’s mandate ‘to engage in the task of evangelisation with a ‘missionary outreach and the promotion of a dynamic communion that extends into ecumenism, directs inter-religious dialogue, and inspires the service of human rights and peace as foundations of a civilisation of love’.’
    Okay. Doing some digging around on this site, I came up with some interesting info that had me reaching for Craig’s email from last night, which said:
    “I’ve noticed that its so hard to get any information on Michael Holman.
    The British site is very weak. He used to be based at Stonyhurst but I
    notice theres a Provincial Office at 114 Mount Street London W1K 3AH.”
    Well what have we here then:
    Farm Street Church in Mayfair, London W1K 3AH.
    The Church Of The Immaculate Conception
    Farm Street
    Parish Priest
    Father William Pearsall SJ
    114 Mount Street London W1K 3AH
    Tel. 020 7493 7811 Fax: 020 7495 6685
    Assistant Priest
    Father Anthony Meredith SJ
    114 Mount Street London W1K 3AH
    Tel. 020 7493 7811 Fax: 020 7495 6685
    So this Farm Street Church’s full name is “The Church Of The Immaculate Conception
    Farm Street” & is located at 114 Mount Street London W1K 3AH, right where Craig says: “I
    notice theres a Provincial Office”. Interesting. So this seems to be the UKHQ of the British Jesuits. Hmm… I really need to get a digital camera.
    Church photos & “tour”:
    I wonder if David Ciancimino, S.J this Jesuit is related to Vito Ciancimino??
    This is highly likely and you’ll note that Sicily is the headquarters for the Heroin trade in the West and its all controlled by the Sicilian Mafiosi commanded by the Holy Roman Emperor, King Juan Carlos who controls Sicily through his House of Bourbon and Farnese bloodline power all for the Superior General at the Curia Generalizia which the Emperor protects with his Centro Nacional de Inteligencia. Remember the importance of the heroin trade to the power, control and system of the Knights of Malta through their commanding proxy of New Jerusalem based in the City of London covertly controlled from St John’s Wood, England by the Grand Priory of England headed currently by Grand Prior, Frederik Crichton-Stuart. The heroin trade was started by The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries who bought about the best quality poppies for the job at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens in London which is now under UNESCO. These poppies were then shipped out to India then transported out to attack China and no different to whats happening in the Western World today as we enter the Post Industrial Zero Growth Society. Make note of one of the old medics that worked for the British East India Company and his name was Jardine Matheson. Now note who controls Jardine Matheson Holdings and you’ll see its the powerful Scottish family called the House of Keswick. Now anyone who’s done any study on the drug trade by the Crown Maltese will know the power of the Hong Kong region dealing with the Heroin coming out of the Golden Crescent which the Central Intelligence Agency took control over during the front Vietnamese war. Hong Kong is critial to the drug trade and one of the most powerful banks in the World connected to it all and riddled with drug currency cleaning is of course HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation which is controlled by the House of Keswick.
    -The Unhived Mind
  30. AFR: Africa Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Jean-Roger Ndombi
    (Western Africa Province, Born: 1953)
    Fr. Tshika Jules Tshibamfumu
    (Central African Province, Born: 1961)
    ALM: South America South
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Marcos Recolons de Arquer
    (Bolivia Province, Born: 1942)
    Secretary (Portug.):
    Fr. Henrique Müller
    (Province of South Brazil, Born: 1954)
    Secretary (Spanish):
    Fr. Benjamin Crespo
    (Peruvian Province, Born: 1949)
    ALS: South America North
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Gabriel Ignacio Rodríguez
    (Colombia Province, Born: 1952)
    Fr. Benjamin Crespo
    (Peruvian Province, Born: 1949)
    ASM: South Asia
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Lisbert D’Souza
    (Bombay Province, India, Born: 1944)
    Fr. Kristdhari Kujur
    (Madhya Pradesh Province, India, Born: 1955)
    ASP: Asia Pacific
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Daniel Patrick Huang
    (Philippine Province, Born: 1959)
    Fr. Theodore Overberg
    (Australian Province, Born: 1946)
    ECO: Central and Eastern Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Adam Żak
    (South Poland Province, Born: 1950)
    Fr. Bogdan Lesniak
    (Greater Poland Province, Born: 1973)
    Fr. Georg Schmidt
    (German Province, Born: 1953)
    EMR: Southern Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Joaquín Barrero Díaz
    (Castille Province, Spain, Born: 1949)
    Secretary (Italian):
    Fr. Eugenio Costa
    (Italian Province, Born: 1934)
    Secretary (Portug.):
    Fr. Henrique Müller
    (Province of South Brazil, Born: 1954)
    Secretary (Spanish):
    Fr. Luis López Yarto
    (Castille Province, Spain, Born: 1935)
    EOC: Western Europe
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. Antoine Kerhuel
    (French Province,
    Born: 1957)
    Fr. Louis Boisset
    (Near East Province, Born: 1939)
    Regional Assistant:
    Fr. James E. Grummer
    (Wisconsin Province, USA, Born: 1950)
    Fr. Jesús Rodríguez
    (New Orleans Province, USA, Born: 1961)

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