
Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Gold Rush Brought Many Greedy Chinese To BC Canada For Jade Also

History books wont tell the trujth about this 5th column then.  They plllaged the Fraser and its tributaries with teams on both sides of the river virtually turning over each roch and boulder raking and raping  the canyon clean of all our provinces resource in both Gold and Jade. Towns like Barkerville were filled with these voracious robbers all greedy to get the precious minerals back to China. There was no ointerest ij staying in Canada as they knew they werent liked. People soon resented their greed and dishonesty and wanted them gone, the history books dont  print that  thugh but has kept this fact silenced claiming that they were interested in helping c anada biuld a Railroad. How the truth gets so twisted, it amazes me.

Here is a brief from Wiki:

*The Chinese first appeared in large numbers in the Colony of Vancouver Island in 1858 as part of the huge migration to that colony from California during the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush in the newly-declared Mainland Colony. Although the first wave arrived in May from California, news of rush eventually attracted many Chinese from China itself.

Omineca Miner Ah Hoo at Germansens Landing in 913.Chinese miners mined claims in wilderness areas.
In the goldfields, they used a technique whereby blankets were used as filter for alluvial sand and then burned, with the gold melting into lumps in the fire. In the Fraser Canyon, Chinese miners spread out to other goldfields elsewhere in BC or the United States...and owned the majority of land in the Fraser and Thompson Canyons for many years afterwards. At Barkerville, in the Cariboo, over half the town's population was estimated to be Chinese, and several other towns including Richfield, Stanley, Van Winkle, Quesnellemouthe (modern Quesnel), Antler, and Quesnelle Forks had significant Chinatowns (Lillooet's lasting until the 1930s)
 [Afterwards, owning a Chinese restaurant was their disguise while tethered to mainland China. The Chinese never liked The Canadians or Americans and didn't associate or mix in with our cultures but remained faithful to their origins,The Motherland as a 5th Column, Faan Quin Fuk Ming]..mine. This caused resentment amongst Canadians resulting in a head tax. Resentment still exists today in these small towns outlined above, which made the 5th columnists more artful at their true intentions, spying!

Again, their oath: Faan Qing Fuk Ming

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