
Friday, September 6, 2013

Syrian War Bible Code

 Syrian War Bible Code

 | September 5, 2013 | 0 Comments
(Michael Snyder)  Did you know that there is a Bible code matrix that contains the words “Armageddon”, “Asad”, “Military” and “Holocaust”?
Did you know that there is another Bible Code matrix that contains the words “Syria”, “World War”, “Russia”, “China” and “USA”?
These discoveries were made by Michael Drosnin in his 1997 book entitled “The Bible Code“, but what is going on in the Middle East right now is causing a lot of people to give these Bible codes a second look.  Could it be possible that our future is encoded in the ancient Hebrew Scriptures?
Some people believe that there is something to these Bible codes while others consider them to be a total load of nonsense.
If you are not familiar with the Bible codes, the following is a quick summary from Wikipedia
The Bible code (Hebrew: צפנים בתנ”ך‎), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah. This hidden code has been described as a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message.
Although Bible codes have been postulated and studied for centuries, the subject has been popularized in modern times by Michael Drosnin‘s book The Bible Codeand the movie The Omega Code.
Many examples have been documented in the past. One cited example is that by taking every 50th letter of the Book of Genesis starting with the first taw, the Hebrew word “torah” is spelled out. The same happens in the Book of Exodus. Modern computers have been used to search for similar patterns and more complex variants, and it has been published as a “challenging puzzle” in a peer-reviewed academic journal in 1994.
There have been endless debates about the legitimacy of these Bible codes, but personally I am convinced that there is something to them.  If you doubt this, just watch Chuck Missler explain the astounding Bible code matrix found in Isaiah 53 right here.
But it is definitely far, far easier to find past events in the Bible codes than it is to speculate about future ones.  For one thing, when it comes to past events you already know the words that you should be searching for.
However, what Drosnin found in his book regarding Syria is definitely noteworthy.  The following is a very short excerpt from that book
“Armageddon” is encoded in the Bible with the name of Syria’s leader, Hafez Asad. In fact, the name of the actual site of the long-prophesied Final Battle appears with his name in a single skip sequence: “Armageddon, Asad holocaust.”
Syria War Bible Code
“Syria” is encoded with “World War.” It is the country that stands out, because it is not expected. “Russia” and “China” and “USA” all also appear with “World War.” But they are the three superpowers most likely to be involved. “Syria” is the surprise.
One correction needs to be made to what Drosnin wrote.  “Hafez” does not show up in this matrix.  Only “Asad” does.
So could this be potentially referring to “Bashar Assad”?
I am sure people will be hotly debating that one in the months ahead.
The following are some other terms that some people say are also in this matrix…
9th Av
shooting from the military post
whole land
So does all of this mean something?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
But it is definitely interesting.
And there are apparently other Bible codes that appear to be about Syria as well.  For example, L.A. Marzulli once wrote about one that seems to indicate that Syria will attack Israel with chemical weapons someday and that Israel will respond by completely destroying Damascus…
The Bible Code alleges, that there are secret messages encrypted in the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible. The way one access the code is to start with a phrase or word, like CHICAGO, then skip a certain number of letters in the text and see where and how many times the word appears.
Often there will be a matrix of other words that, like a game of scrabble, are attached to the  main word. Before the computer age this was done, by counting the letters by hand. Needles to say, this was painstakingly slow. These codes can now be accessed by computer and thus, we have the modern Bible Codes that have piqued the interest of so many people.
The post, that I received, gives two prophecy’s from the Bible code. The first, discusses a plane hitting the Sears Tower in Chicago. The second, speaks of a chemical attack in Israel, resulting in the Israeli’s retaliating, by using their nuclear arsenal and destroying Damascus.
For some of you who have read my book, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural, you know that I speak about a two prong attack that will hit the USA and Israel simultaneously. (This is why I found the Bible code so interesting and it is why I’m commenting on it today) Added to this, according to this Bible Code prophecy, is that it will happen on the 9th of Av. This date is significant because that is the precise day, in which the first temple was destroyed, by the Babylonians.
The second temple, destroyed by the Romans centuries later, occurred on the same day, the 9th of Av. It is also the date that the Nazi’s began to exterminate the Jews in Treblinka, one of the first concentration camps set up in WW2. This is a day of mourning for the Jewish people and many fast and pray during the period of days that lead up to the 9th of Av.
A few months back there was an interesting post from the Israel’s telling the Syrians, “That if you use chemical weapons against us we will annihilate you.” We see in the news just last week that this is precisely what is happening. Hezbollah may have acquired the chemicals, from North Korea, to build chemical weapons. These would be used to retrofit the existing Katusha rockets that they have.
It is very easy to imagine such a scenario playing out today.  According to, Syria has approximately 100,000 missiles and rockets that it can launch at Israel…
According to estimates, the Syrian army has in its possession some 100,000 missiles and rockets. Several thousand of them, such as the Scud-D missiles, are considered very powerful and accurate and can reach any target in Israel. President Bashar Assad’s army also has Russian-made SS-22 medium-range surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, which can carry some 120 kilograms of explosive material.
And as I mentioned yesterday, Hebollah reportedly has 70,000 rockets pointed at Israel.
If thousands upon thousands of missiles and rockets start landing in the heart of major Israeli cities, Israel will strike back with overwhelming force.
So could we be looking at the last days of Damascus

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