
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Monkey tears human baby’s testicle off at Chinese zoo

Monkey tears human baby’s testicle off at Chinese zoo

Monkeys china testicle
Chinese state run media is reporting that a monkey ate a baby's testicle.PHOTO: SCREENSHOT

Published: September 7, 2013, 4:41 pm
Updated: 56 mins ago
According to Gawker, Chinese state media is reporting a small child had ate least one of his testicles torn off by a monkey at a zoo in Guiyang, China.
The 8-month-old boy’s mother was changing his diaper when one of the zoo’s monkeys jumped on the child and attacked the boy.

The incident occurred in Quianlin Park, a zoo known for allowing its monkey population to roam freely. SIgns posted around the park warn guests not to feed animals. Officials believe the monkey might have thought the boy’s testicles were food.
According to CCTV, another visitor managed to wrestle the testicle from the monkey, but it quickly snatched it back from his hand and proceeded to eat it.
Doctors have stated that the boy’s injuries are not life-threatening but are concerned that his reproductive capabilities may be permanently damaged.
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