
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Young Snowden Speaks From A Secret location In HK

The only difficulty I have in what he says is that he believes he is safe in China's Hong Kong..that's very naive for an intelligence engineer who works for the NSA. That somehow  Hong Kong is removed from the facist tyranny of  the Communist Party [CCP] there. That doesnt add up; hes not revealing everything. He did say that the NSA can influence the Triads to come after him. But hes not thinking straight, the Triads are inextricably linked to the Communist Chinese Government, their PLA. Its a known fact and has been much written about. To the uninformed western citizen he is making sense but not to people who know how the Triads function,they work closely with the 'evil' Communists of Beijing and are hostile to the West. [China is the enemy of the western powers,] specially the USA and its close allies, let it be clear. Hong Kong is no less that enemy, as he characterized. He needs the explain himself more about that statement regarding the Triads.
That being said I am going out on a limb saying that the NSA and the fascist Communist Government of China [CCP] are linked, and that link is the "Jesuit General" the Black Pope,Vatican, Rome. All intel goes through the Jesuit General, Rome, ALL! All Masonic 'Orders' and 'Knights' are their gatekeepers...soldiers.
I have drawn this conclusion up before and  welcome anyone to return to the rationale behind it in my analyses. I draw upon historical record to make my case.

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