
Sunday, June 9, 2013

What's Happening Today Vis A Vis North America

A well written account, and a must read!

I have been watching China's progress over the last 2 decades, even the US Government seems to be aiding them by their dithering. Agreements and pacts are also very telling and disturbing . Now the Canadian government and its military is making noises to cuddle up to this evil monster; can this be true! To all intent and purpose this is a set up...right under our 'collective' noses.
Who would be willing to go to war against this Communist  "bully" China from either Canada or the US. I hear no sound, not even a peep, just a cowardly whimper. Our treasonous politicians are now in bed with these tyrants selling our countries out.
When will our people say enough is enough, stand up and speak out against this "warfare." Whether you like the term or not that is exactly what we are going through...a secretive war with our leaders handing our countries away.
I am currently eying the north polar region as the next plain of battle.

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