
Friday, March 22, 2013

Brian McAdam & Ex-RCMP Cpl. Robert Read Seeking Reinstatement

April 13, 2005

Whistleblower & Ex-RCMP Cpl. Robert Read Seeking Reinstatement in Canada's Highest Court

RCMP whistle-blower appeals dismissal for revealing fraud Andy Blatchford, Apr. 13, 05

A Mountie fired by the RCMP in 1999 for breaking an oath of secrecy is seeking reinstatement in Canada's highest court. The appeal of Corporal Robert Read will be heard by the Federal Court of Canada on April 18. In 2003, an external review committee recommended that Cpl. Read be reinstated. But the RCMP has refused to let the 26-year veteran return to the force. . . . . The suspicion of a cover-up prompted Cpl. Read to blow the whistle. He revealed evidence of a cover-up to the media and the RCMP immediately suspended him with pay in September, 1999. A 2002 RCMP tribunal ruled he was guilty of professional misconduct, which led to his dismissal.

Search: Hong Kong, Asian triad members, bribes, evidence of the fraud

News Junkie Canada, March 1, 2004

Search: "Introduction" -- second paragraph, which follows:

For Canadians, there are questions still lingering concerning an investigation into visas for Canada missing from the Canadian Embassy in Hong Kong, "entrepreneur" and "investor" class immigration of Chinese with huge amounts of money, and the entry of Chinese triads to Canada. However, the investigation into the visa issue and immigration by the CSIS and the RCMP appears to have been ended by someone very influential and powerful in Canada -- although there were and are unanswered questions concerning serious security issues -- similar issues involving the same players which the US has been investigating, as well. Then, there was the dismissal of the whistleblower, RCMP Corporal Robert Read -- and there is much more [. . . . ]

There is more if you search: (Fired whistleblower, ex RCMP Corporal Read's site -- Robert Read Asian Triads: list of articles related to Sidewinder, Cpl. Read, the RCMP, Political Parties and Canada's security)

Prime Time Crime --several articles and links to information on Robert Read and related information

Scroll down for "Leo Knight on the Robert Read Asian triads Affair" -- There are links for all these.

Duo blow whistle on immigration scandal Sept. 1, 1999
RCMP action shameful in Cpl. Read affair Sept. 8, 1999
Finding friends in high places Sept. 22, 1999
Report raises concerns over gov?t, triad links Oct. 13, 1999
Undercover expose Nov. 3, 1999
Sidewinder spins huge security scandal May 3, 2000
Sidewinder-Echo scandal smoulders Sept. 6, 2000
China connection persists Sept. 27, 2000
Valuing Canada's sovereignty Oct. 11, 2000
Election call saves Liberals embarrassment Oct. 18, 2000
Election buries SIRC report Oct. 25, 2000
RCMP shamed by Read tribunal April 17, 2002
Senior RCMP used for political purposes March 31, 2004

Fired Mountie takes corruption fight to Federal Court

[. . . . ] In the course of his investigation he believed he’d uncovered evidence of the corruption and what appeared to him to be a massive cover-up of that evidence.

Read’s investigation involved very rich and powerful members of the business community in Hong Kong, political connections in the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the government of then-Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, himself now the subject of other corruption allegations and being investigated in the Gomery Inquiry taking place in Ottawa and Montreal. [. . . . ]

There is much more.

RCMP Report Vindicates Whistleblower While Placing Dark Cloud Over Foreign Missions

Ottawa, September 18, 2003 Today Gurmant Grewal, member of Parliament for Surrey Central, expressed satisfaction upon learning that the RCMP External Review Committee has cleared the name of Corporal Robert Read. [. . . . ]

Link for more.


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