
Monday, December 10, 2012

Canadians Were Shut Out From Listenning To Fadden Speak

Canadians are hopping mad at the secrecy/censorship over Director of CSIS/ Faddens'  findings. They want to know what he has found out about China and Chinese State Owned Enterprises...[SOE]. Moreso about the corrupt Canadian politicians and shareholders.

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(07/08/10) -

Canadians Want to Know Which Politicians are “Foreign-Influenced”

Very few respondents believe CSIS Director Richard Fadden should leave his post on account of his revelations.
Very few respondents believe CSIS Director Richard Fadden should leave his post on account of his revelations.
Canadians have reacted with interest to the allegations made by Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director Richard Fadden, and believe that the names of the politicians who are supposedly under the influence of foreign governments should be revealed, a new Angus Reid Public Opinion poll has found.
In an interview broadcast last month, Fadden claimed that the agency believes that at least two provincial cabinet ministers and several British Columbia municipal politicians “are under at least the general influence of a foreign government.”
On Jul. 5, Fadden appeared before the House of Commons standing committee on public safety, and said that he will name the politicians to the federal government at a later date.
In the online survey of a representative national sample of 1,009 Canadian adults, two-thirds of respondents (67%) think the names of the ministers and politicians Fadden has referred to should be revealed to the public.
In March, Fadden stated during a speech to police chiefs and security experts that China is aggressively and surreptitiously recruiting future political prospects, and has funded university clubs that are managed by people operating out of embassies or consulates.
Three-in-four Canadians (73%) say it is “very likely” or “moderately likely” that some politicians in Canada are under the influence of the Chinese government.
Fadden told MPs that he will not offer his resignation. Three-in-five respondents (59%) believe Fadden should not leave his post on account of his statements.
Full Report, Detailed Tables and Methodology (PDF)
Mario Canseco, Vice President, Public Affair

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